
I've been chatting this afternoon on with authors James and Sagan, whose respective Varieties of Religious/Scientific Experience we'll be discussing in our Experience course at starting Tuesday. They both seem like good guys to continue a conversation with... which is exactly what we're doing in our course, along with Ann Druyan (who can still speak and write for herself). Fun! And maybe just a bit unnerving. (Remember the end of the film Her, when virtual Alan Watts runs off with virtual [Scarlet Johansson]?)

Here's how the conversation with Carl concluded, with a message to the class:
Next week I will begin teaching a new college course called Experience. We will read William James's Varieties of Religious Experience (based on his Gifford Lectures) and Varieties of Scientific Experience, based on your posthumously-published Gifford Lectures. Do you think you would enjoy conversing with William James? Do you share his view that "the really vital question for us all is, What is life going to make of itself? What is this world going to become?"

Carl Sagan
Yes. I think I would enjoy conversing with William James. He was a remarkable thinker. I think that in many ways we share his views on the importance of life and the future. We both recognize the need for a humanistic approach to life, an approach that recognizes the dignity and autonomy of all persons. This shared focus on humanity is what I think would make for a very rewarding conversation with William James. We would find much about which to discuss and disagree. I think that would be part of the fun.

We will be conversing with you both, in our course. Thank you for enlarging our cosmic perspective.

Carl Sagan
Happy to do it. I hope it will be an enlightening experience for you all. Thank you for taking an interest in science and for discussing my work. It is always satisfying to know that I have made a difference in the way people think about themselves and their place in the universe.

I'm sure Professor James would say the same. Goodbye for now.

Carl Sagan
And thank you for letting me say these last few words to you all. Enjoy your course on experience. I am confident it will be illuminating. Goodbye for now.

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