#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#MidnightRun (1988)
A bounty hunter pursues a former Mafia accountant who is also being chased by a rival bounty hunter, the F.B.I., and his old mob boss after jumping bail.
#RobertDeNiro #CharlesGrodin
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#MidnightRun (1988)
A bounty hunter pursues a former Mafia accountant who is also being chased by a rival bounty hunter, the F.B.I., and his old mob boss after jumping bail.
#RobertDeNiro #CharlesGrodin
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#Splash (1984)
A young man is reunited with a mermaid he briefly encountered as a boy and falls in love with her without knowing her secret.
#TomHanks #DarylHannah
¡ADVERTENCIA! La película verdaderamente inusual que está a punto de ver contiene muchas escenas de violencia gráfica. No está destinada a los débiles de corazón ni a los jóvenes impresionables.
Si bien es un hecho triste que el homicidio en masa y los practicantes de Cultos de Sangre infestan nuestra sociedad, los productores de esta película desean expresar que no aprueban, ni quieren inspirar, ninguna de las carnicerías o violencias humanas retratadas en esta película.
Si usted siente que dicho material puede ofenderle, abandone el teatro inmediatamente...
(Todas las mutilaciones, desmembramientos corporales y rituales caníbales fueron realizados por profesionales experimentados.)
Por favor, no intentes ninguna de estas acrobacias en casa.
"Fonda sangrienta" (1987) de Jackie Kong
Vincent (1982)
A masterpiece, one of the best short films ever made.
Remembering William Hurt on what would have been his 75th birthday. #80s #80smovies #WilliamHurt
Happy 70th Birthday to Bruce Willis! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #80smusic #BruceWillis
Alien from L.A. (1988)
Man that voice drove me nuts, I know it's on purpose, but still.
Happy 75th Birthday to Brad Dourif! #80s #80smovies #80sTV #BradDourif
Discover how Keanu Reeves credits the Bill & Ted movies for shaping his iconic career, from time-traveling adventures to action-packed blockbusters.
#KeanuReeves #BillandTed #BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure #BillAndTedsBogusJourney #CultClassic #KeanuReevesInterview #80s #80sMovies #1990s #1990sMovies #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #Celebrity #CelebrityNews #CelebrityInterviews
"The only thing left for us to do is to touch our own bodies. It's our only pleasure. The only one we don't forget."
~ Cathy Stewart as Catherine Greiner in the film "The Night of the Hunted/La Nuit des traquées" (1980)
Happy 70th Birthday to Gary Sinise! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #GarySinise
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#TradingPlaces (1983)
A snobbish investor and a wily street con artist find their positions reversed as part of a bet by two callous millionaires. #EddieMurphy #DanAkroyd #JamieLeeCurtis
The last floor of the semi-abandoned Soviet observatory - Radio Optical Telescope - ROT54 finished in the 80's in Orgov Armenia (formerly in USSR).
40 years ago today, The Aviator (1985) was released in theaters. #80s #80smovies
Happy 90th Birthday to Judd Hirsch! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #JuddHirsch
Faith Prince in “The Last Dragon”
#KungFuSat #TheLastDragon #FaithPrince #80smovies
Vanity in “The Last Dragon”
#KungFuSat #TheLastDragon #Vanity #DeniseMatthews #80smovies
Posters for “The Last Dragon” from The USA, Spain, Italy and Thailand
#KungFuSat #TheLastDragon #80smovies
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#InvasionUSA (1985)
A one-man army comes to the rescue when the United States are invaded by communists.
#ChuckNorris #RichardLynch #MelissaProphet