Kann mir jemensch sagen, welche technische Voraussetzungen notwendig sind, um Teampostfächer zu betreiben? Ich hab das, glaube ich, mal als Feature bei Anbietern gesehen.
Als Beispiel: rechnungen@firma.de, auf das mehrere Leute Zugriff haben
Braucht mensch das als eigenständige Funktion mit nem besonderen Server im Hintergrund oder kann man das relativ reibungslos auch über IMAP und geteilte Zugangsdaten realisieren?
I think it's time I ask the fedi hivemind about this...
I am looking for some news outlets about tech and gaming news that avoid politics, don't do clickbait and serve RSS.
I am most interested in both corporate ongoings (so I know what I may need to look out for at work) and noteworthy happenings at major FOSS projects in terms of tech news (but ideally without AI), as well as major game releases and indie projects as well as retro gaming-related news.
What's the user friendly and FOSS way to create a slide deck in 2025? LibreOffice presentations seems to be stuck somewhere in the early 2000s and I can't use it. #askfedi
Are there any Pebble-like smartwatches that are designed and produced in Europe?
#askFedi #Pebble #ButEuropean
On a walk with the dogs last night I'm pretty sure I saw a powerful owl. It was sitting on the ground in a park and then took off up to a tree as we approached. Pretty sure it wasn't a tawny, it was too chonky, its head was much more owl-shaped, and body and wings were light flecked with darker spots. Couldn't get a photo bcs my phone is a potato. Is that likely in inner north #naarm? #birds #Australia #AskFedi
Hey #Thunar nerds: is there a way of previewing text files in the Thunar window? Kinda annoying to have to open things in the text editor.
#AskFedi #FediTechSupport #XFCE #Linux
Does native Mastodon (preferably the PWA) have a way to remember the most recent post I've seen and jump to that post when I open the page/app? I think I'd like to switch to using the PWA, but I'm currently using Tusky on Android for specifically that feature.
(Yes, I follow few enough accounts and tags for this to be very viable.)
#SelfHosting has been productive
When I set up my home server I formated 2 4 Tb drives in RAID 1. I used ext4 at the time because it was what I was familiar with and it was easy. But I know people tend to use other filesystems for these things (zfs?).
What are the drawbacks that I will face for using ext4? Am I going to be fine? #AskFedi #SmallWeb #Linux #HomeLab
Pro/cons #Floorp vs #Zenbrowser
#question #askmastodon #askfedi #software #cloudhosting #recommendation
Hello Fediverse, I would like to ask for some recommendations please:
Does a simple and lightweight alternative to google.drive for use on a Win desktop PC exist, based in EU or New Zealand, for upload, update & tracking of shared files?
1) To update files with unchanged public link
2) To see if and when the file was opened through the external link either for reading or for download, to count the uses
Many thanks ^.^
Why are all those stupid government leaders and their helping hands can't just drop some LSD and finally realize how meaningless and miserable their actions actually are from cosmic perspective?
Hey fedi, especially German speaking fedi, I’m looking for good media to immerse myself in as I begin learning German! I’m at the very start of things so I’m not in any huge rush but I intend on keeping up regularly on training myself in the language.
So, what are your favorite German books? Music? TV shows? Movies? They can be of any “level”, as I will be working my way through things as I learn more of the language. This is only one part of what I’m planning on using for learning, so again feel free to recommend your favorite media
When the government says they are saving 5 billion pounds, does that take into consideration the loss of taxes that the money would contribute when spent back into the economy?
A weird, but serious question.
Psychologically, humans tend to find things that are usually hidden on a body a turn on.
E.G, back in the 1800s it was 'scandalous' to show off your calves, both women and men would almost always wear long trousers. 'Sexy' cartoons would then have a person calves showing, as it would be a sexual fantasy to see them.
So the question, in countries where women are forced to cover their hair, do people find it sexually appealing when their hair is on show?
@AncTreat5358 #AskFedi might be another good hashtag to add! Good luck with your hearing aid decision.
English version below
Der neue Social Media Kanal ist gestartet und ich suche gute #Tools zur Analyse und Auswertung der Aktivitäten. Gibt es sowas für #Mastodon? Gibt es einen Planner, mit dem man mehr als 500 Zeichen posten kann?
Mastometrics würde ich für die Analytics nutzen. Aber ein planning Tool habe ich noch nicht so richtig gefunden :( Kann wer helfen?
The new social media channel has been launched, and I'm looking for good #tools for analyzing and evaluating the activities. Is there anything like that for #Mastodon? Is there a planner that allows you to post more than 500 characters?
I would use Mastometrics for the analytics. But I haven't really found a planning tool yet :( Can anyone help?
I want an #Anki deck or other SRS that automatically self-updates, as the correct answers change.
Eg, I want a study deck for the leaders of countries.
But, when I open to study today, it will show Olaf Scholz is the Chancellor of Germany, but when I open the deck again in a month, it will check Wikipedia, and auto-update the answer to be Friedrich Merz (or whoever it ends up being).
Does such a thing exist?
Danke, y gracias
#askfedi So we're going out later today to pick up a used #steamdeck through a marketplace website. Anything we should look out for in terms of damage?