Behold our local king of the mountain: His Uhuness.
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #eagleowls
Er heißt #Mittelspecht, doch für mich ist er der Größte.
Der Bildausschnitt ist bewusst gewählt, denn gegenüber der großen Traubeneiche scheint der Specht hoch oben winzig. Mittelspechte mögen Bäume wie Eichen mit rissiger Borke, auf der auch Moos wächst. Sie hacken keine Löcher ins Holz, um an Insekten zu gelangen, sie picken nur kräftig.
A little video which does no justice to just how smart looking the Blue-headed Wagtails at South Huish Marsh are. Still, what did you expect????
#UKBirding #Birding #Birds #nature #wildlife #Devon #BirdsofMastodon
My 25th trip on Kelly's Hero out of #Brixham this morning. Sun, blue sky, fabulous company, Devon redness and #Peregrine and #Fulmar. Nigh on prefect.
Followed by a visit to see the Blue-headed Wagtail at South Huish Marsh.
Good Evening from Germany
It's impossible to take bird photos in March without them looking a wee bit kitschy with all the flowers.
Have a great Sunday full of flower, sun and #birds
a pigeon, a seagull, a crow and 3 starlings arrive for food.
#birds #BirdsOfFediverse #birdsofmastodon #crows #pigeons #seagulls #starlings
Male Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) perched on a thin branch.Their range extends from southern Canada to some western states. #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsofmastodon
A Long-tailed Tit in close-up, South of Finland #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography
A Common Redpoll
See it bigger here:
Habe heute am #SilentSunday diesen #Turmfalke n (sein Name ist vermutlich Falk) im #BotanischerGartenRostock getroffen!
Habt einen schönen #Sonntag!
#Fotografie #Photography #NaturePhotography #Naturfotografie #Birds #Birdphotography #FediBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #VogelFotografie #Kestrel #CommonKestrel #Falcon #Falke
Farmoor today. The cormorants were enjoying the early spring weather.