Oooh ja, der suddendeath-entschlackte #Solomodus von "Yro" ist um Längen besser!
Mit dieser Variante freue ich mich auch derbe aufs Antesten der Kampagne! Höchstnice!
Oooh ja, der suddendeath-entschlackte #Solomodus von "Yro" ist um Längen besser!
Mit dieser Variante freue ich mich auch derbe aufs Antesten der Kampagne! Höchstnice!
Yap. Is ein Musterbeispiel des Multiplayer-Solitaires. Gefiel mir aber als Solopuzzle ziemlich gut, hab jetzt einmal die kompletten Plättchen 1x durchgezogen. Fünf schnell auf-/abgebaute & runtergespielte Partien. Comfort Food ohne doof zu sein.
A review of the eleventh issue of the magazine about #boardgames from Senet Magazine Limited.
Und jetzt teste ich mal an, ob der würdige zweite Platz des SdJ'24 auch solo was taugt.
Playing #BoardGames with my friend from the UK. Finally having games on the table again!
Im letzten möglichen Zug! Solche schweisspfotigen Fotofinish-Siege sind die besten!
One of the Renegades Of Pain - Grants Spades Aces, kindly sent to me by Wargame Exclusive, painted up. These models make great Chaos Cultist or Traitor Guard models!
The Geeky Goodies family at our booth at Breakout Toronto this past weekend. It was such a fantastic time. We love meeting all the wonderful, happy people coming up to say hello. A truly great event put together by committed, brilliant people for 3 days of laughter, fun and gaming!
Hosted a #BoardGames afternoon on Saturday. It was like a LAN party but without any electronics, if you can believe it. What will they think of next?
Join the Board Game Conversation:
What Board Games did you play this weekend and the previous week? Please share your game plays using on your socials with #WhatDidYouPlayMondays
Board Game in photo: Gridstones
Unfathomable - Arjun Singh - The First Mate
We played Dutch Blitz tonight. It's pretty fun! It was a little challenging for the 10yo, but I think he'll grasp it with some coaching.
Dit war nix! 15 Runden vergehen untertage echt wie im Flug! Fluchdeck war leer und zum bewegen der letzten Statue fehlten 2 Loren. Der Fluch der Vorrunde war mies. Muss ich definitiv nochmal probieren!
We gave @nicholas “#MontyPython Fluxx”. It’s basically regular Fluxx but with Python themes. It’s funny.
Thanks to the “I want to sing,” card we are also singing some Monty python song each turn.
Crayon trains on the Moon! Learn your lunar geography, amass great wealth. Diamonds are the sugar of the Moon, robots are the diamonds of the Moon. #LunarRails #EmpireBuilder #BoardGames
After backing it in like 2023, I've finally had my copy of Molly House (Wehrlegig Games) delivered and had an initial test play with friends.
It's based around the old Molly Houses of 18th century London (think gay bars-come-drag ballroom vibe). You play as Mollies trying to throw parties to generate individual and community joy while avoiding the Society for the Reformation of Manners (a villainous name I've always thought worthy of cinematic adaptation ever since I first studied this period) trying to raid their houses and send us to the gallows.
The art in this game is gorgeous, but what I've really enjoyed is the implicit tension between competitive and cooperative game styles. You win ostensibly via your individual joy, but that means nothing if the community doesn't survive when the Society raids all four houses. You need to work together to maximise community joy and ward off Society. Yet you never know exactly who to trust as some players may turn informant to avoid the hangman's noose.
"In den Hallen des Bergkönigs" ist schon ein ganz schöner Tischfrass! Bin gespannt, wie es sich solo spielt. Aufgebaut ist es, stehen bleiben kann es auch! Jetzt Regelstudium und vielleicht dann noch die Erstpartie, mal sehen.
There's a new board game on my website!
This is an implementation of the "Center" board game, in which you have to try to play on the centre square by advancing inwards from the perimeter, using your existing stones to support your next. The good bot is very good, it consistently beats me even with very low time limits.
I implemented this using the "vibe coding" technique where I just asked AI to do all the coding and editing. None of the code was typed by me, it was all done by asking Claude 3.7 Thinking to make changes. There's some usability rough edges but I'm very impressed by how well it implemented this idea.