Came up with a tribute song for Buffy St. Marie.
No video yet. But the music is good, and it tells about Buffy's current reality. Let me know what you think.
It's called: I Wish I Was An Indian.

Came up with a tribute song for Buffy St. Marie.
No video yet. But the music is good, and it tells about Buffy's current reality. Let me know what you think.
It's called: I Wish I Was An Indian.
More Buffy Sainte-Marie Canadian Honors Rescinded After She Confirms Lack Of Citizenship – Update
#News #BuffySainteMarie
Good. She's a thief, a fraud, and a liar. She stole these accolades, millions of dollars, fame and fortune from deserving authentic Indigenous talent.
I don't care what she did for #indigenous people, she did it as a #pretendian and that negates the whole thing. She crafted herself as Indigenous when she saw there was a profit to be made.
Beverley Jean Santamaria, #karma always kicks your butt. I hope you're ashamed of yourself.
Buffy Sainte-Marie’s Juno and Polaris Music Awards Rescinded
#Variety #News #BuffySainteMarie
Buffy Sainte-Marie loses Juno Awards, Governor General’s Performing Arts Award
Organizers at the Polaris Music Prize also say they've rescinded two awards.
#Music #Awards #Canada #Entertainment #BuffySainteMarie #GovernorGeneralsPerformingArtsAward
Buffy Sainte-Marie loses honours including Junos, Hall of Fame induction
Organizers at the Polaris Music Prize also say they've rescinded two awards.
#Music #Awards #Canada #Entertainment #BuffySainteMarie #GovernorGeneralsPerformingArtsAward
Buffy Sainte-Marie has now also been stripped of her Polaris Music Prize, her five Juno Awards, and her induction into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame.
Sainte-Marie recently confirmed that she is an American citizen, not a Canadian citizen. Questions remain around her Indigenous identity. Apparently, the awards have been stripped because she doesn't meet eligibility requirements.
Buffy Sainte-Marie stripped of Polaris Music Prize, Juno Awards and Canadian Music Hall of Fame induction
The Polaris Prize said that the singer-songwriter is not a Canadian citizen, while the organization that administers the Junos said she doesn’t meet the eligibility requirements.
#Pretendian #BuffySainteMarie #Canada #Native #Indigenous
Buffy Sainte-Marie loses Juno Awards, Governor General’s Performing Arts Award
Organizers at the Polaris Music Prize also say they've rescinded two awards.
#Music #Awards #Canada #Entertainment #BuffySainteMarie #GovernorGeneralsPerformingArtsAward
Buffy Sainte-Marie Returns Order of Canada Honor ‘With a Good Heart,’ Says She Never Claimed to Be Canadian
#Variety #News #BuffySainteMarie
Buffy Sainte-Marie returns Order of Canada, says she never denied having U.S. citizenship
Buffy Sainte-Marie expressed her 'love and gratitude to Canada.'
#award #politics #citizenship #Entertainment #BuffySainteMarie #BuffySainteMarieancestry
Buffy Sainte-Marie returns Order of Canada, says she never denied having U.S. citizenship
Buffy Sainte-Marie expressed her 'love and gratitude to Canada.'
#award #politics #citizenship #Entertainment #BuffySainteMarie #BuffySainteMarieancestry
Wie bei den Simpsons.
Buffy Sainte-Marie wird kanadische Auszeichnung aberkannt
Sie gab sich als Angehörige des #Cree-Volkes aus, wurde in #Kanada gefeiert und als erste indigene Person mit einem #Oscar ausgezeichnet. Dann kam heraus: #BuffySainteMarie hat ihre Herkunft wohl falsch dargestellt.
Singer-Activist Buffy Sainte-Marie Stripped of Order of Canada, the Country’s Most Prestigious Civilian Honor
#Variety #News #BuffySainteMarie
Via the #TimesColonist, Feb 07, 2025
The appointment of singer-songwriter #BuffySainteMarie to the #OrderOfCanada has been terminated by Governor General #MarySimon
The move comes after a #CBC report in 2023 questioned Sainte-Marie's #Indigenous heritage, saying it found a birth certificate that indicated she was born in 1941 in #Massachusetts.
Family members in the U.S. told CBC that Sainte-Marie was not adopted and doesn't have Indigenous ancestry
Buffy Sainte-Marie has been stripped of her Order of Canada appointment. First reported in the National Post [1]
If you are new to the story, for more context, I recommend watching the original 2023 CBC investigation by The Fifth Estate [2]
And counterbalancing that by reading Michelle Cyca's article "What's the Point of 'Pretendian' Investiations?" [3]
So, I am well aware of the controversy surrounding #BuffySainteMarie and her heritage. But whether she is a pretendian (she claims to be adopted, something that's been disputed) or not, a lot of Native Americans accepted her as one of their own, and she had her pulse on what was going on with #AIM...
Buffy's Censored Words Led to Revelations in New #LeonardPeltier Film Premiered at Sundance
"My girlfriend Annie Mae talked about uranium
Her head was filled with bullets and her body dumped
The FBI cut off her hands and told us she'd died of Exposure…"
- Buffy Saint Marie, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, 1992.
By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Feb. 4, 2025
TSAILE, #NavajoNation -- "The words of Buffy Sainte Marie, censored by Indian Country Today, led to revelations about Oglala President Dick Wilson's secret land deal on Pine Ridge in the new film Free
Leonard Peltier, which premiered at Sundance, producer #JesseShortBull told Censored News.
"Buffy's interview at Dine' College in 1999 was censored for seven years. Before I was fired as a staff reporter, a portion of the interview was published by the newspaper -- but one paragraph was still censored. In the still censored portion, Buffy referred to a secret land deal on the day of the shoot out at the #JumpingBull property on #PineRidge. Buffy said, 'Who recalls that on that day one-eighth of the reservation was transferred in secret -- on that day. It was the part containing uranium. That is what never seems to be remembered.'
"Dickie Wilson planned to turn over the #MineralRights in the Badlands to the U.S. government. The U.S. government wanted the land for uranium mining. Dick Wilson's secret plan was discovered in the documents in the BIA file cabinets by the #AmericanIndianMovement, during the takeover of the #BIA building in Washington in 1972.
"Following the premiere of #FreeLeonardPeltier at the Sundance Film Festival, Jesse Short Bull, Oglala Lakota, and director of the film, reveals how Buffy's words led to the search for the facts about #DickWilson's #UraniumMining scheme with the U.S. government. 'Buffy's song about Anna Mae really shocked me, she outlined it so well,' Short Bull said. 'The plans for mineral development for Pine Ridge were discovered at the 1972 BIA takeover, and by the 1980's the big wig energy companies came to Pine Ridge with big ideas for development."
Read more:
#PineRidgeReservation #CorporateColonialism #Relocation #AnnaMaeAquash
An enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of #Chippewa in North Dakota, #LeonardPeltier was active in the American Indian Movement #AIM
Also BSM on AMPA & Wounded Knee
#firstnations #BuffySainteMarie #WoundedKnee #AnnaMaeAquash #Uranium
NDN Collective
Democracy Now report
Leonard Peltier (song) Rhythm Activism
Special for Election Day in America ... 'Disinformation' by Buffy Sainte:Marie
"Coincidence and likely stories
They dog your trail like a pack of lies
They whine at night when the lights are out
You toss and turn
You pitch and roll
Disinformation, you spin it like a silkworm"
#nowplaying #nowhearthis #listenup #buffysaintemarie #disinformation #mixtape #randomplay #simsongs #music #musicworld #electionday #myplaylist
Fantastic #Documentary featured onPBS’s #AmericanMasters series featuring interviews w/#JoniMitchell, #TajMahal … but the best bits are from #BuffySainteMarie herself. #MustseeTV to understand why this is an #AmericanLegend
Buffy Sainte-Marie: #CarryItOn (2022) -