Greetings Programs!! We're about 4 days away from @pidgin 3.0 Experimental 2! And while it doesn't look like we're going to get everything in that I wanted, we still have work to do!! So com on by!

Greetings Programs!! We're about 4 days away from @pidgin 3.0 Experimental 2! And while it doesn't look like we're going to get everything in that I wanted, we still have work to do!! So com on by!
Pax is sleeping peacefully in her bed. Time to say goodnight to all you wonderful people in the Fediverse!
IRC, or Internet Relay Chat to give it its full name, dates from 1988.
There were other instant chat protocols in use before IRC. The Unix `talk` program and its relatives, for example were around by the late 1970s at least, and possibly earlier. I used `talk` a lot to chat with Europeans (I'm in Canada) long ago.
But email is the granddaddy of them all. Email was in use long before that - about 20 years before IRC, in fact. It predates the term "internet", having originated on the ARPANET.
Die Verknüpfung von #Signal mit einer Mobil-Nr. hat mich bisher u.a. von der Nutzung abgehalten.
Macht man damit nicht auch die gute Arbeit in Sachen Verschlüsselung und Datenvermeidung zunichte?
#Messenger #Chat
#XSF Announcement
Today the #XMPP Standards Foundation publishes an Open Letter to urge #Meta to adopt XMPP for messaging #interoperability.
It’s time for real interoperability. Let’s make it happen.
#jabber #chat #rtc
#opensource #decentralization #standard #dma
Z #NowPlaying At top of hour it's an encore airing of our live chat show. join Chrissie Cochrane, Chris Gray, Kelly Sapergia. and the gang for a friendly chat on All Sorts! Imagine you're in a comfortable room chatting with friends about this and that; playing a bit of music, and keeping the children amuzed as well. That's what it's all about. Live Chat with Us and Listen at #TGVRadio #chat
Moi je bosse et elle... elle roupille. C'est normal ça ?
(Réponse : non)
#chat #cat #injustice #sieste #humour
Spirou, 12 ans, pelage marron tabby
NÎMES - Spirou est né le 5 mai 2013, c'est un chat sociable et propre. Il s'entend avec ses congénères. Il est stérilisé, identifié et possède un carnet de santé.
Il lui faudra un accès à l'extérieur, après une période d'adaptation dans son nouveau foyer.
Contactez Perrine au 07 82 58 08 98
#gard #nimes #AdoptDontShop #catsofmastodon #cats #chats #chat #cat #occitanie
Pax has lots on her mind today. I'm sure mischief and high jinks are involved!
Good morning, afternoon or evening to you. Have a wonderful #Fursday!
J'écoute la rediffusion de la Revue de presse du Monde moderne d'Alexis Poulin. Une séquence reprend un passage d'une interview de François Hollande.
Au même moment, la féline, qui était posée tranquille à mes côtés, bondit sur ses pattes, détale, dérape et se paye les portes, les murs et les étagères dans sa fuite irréfrénée.
Ya des auras vraiment néfastes. Même par média différé.
WhatsApp introduce la scorciatoia per messaggiare dagli stati
#AggiornamentidiStato #Android #App #Beta #Chat #Comunicazione #iOS #Messaggistica #Meta #Notizie #Novità #NuoveFunzioni #Scorciatoie #TechNews #Tecnologia #WhatsApp
Silence is Golden