Collage análogico
"La vida no es posible en las ardientes entrañas de la tierra".
#NoctvaArt ##CollageAnalogico #analoguecollage #collageartwork #collage #collageartist #collagepapier #collagepapers #collageonpaper #collageart #Collagepoem
Collage análogico
"La vida no es posible en las ardientes entrañas de la tierra".
#NoctvaArt ##CollageAnalogico #analoguecollage #collageartwork #collage #collageartist #collagepapier #collagepapers #collageonpaper #collageart #Collagepoem
#Asemic Portrait – J Scott Smart – The Fatman, Radio Detective
A Pataphor Collage Prose Poem:
The Fatman always flings facts
"He was as hard-boiled as a baked onion on an Antarctic jet stream; intellect shone through every layer of thought – his silent partner wore sunglasses, and carried a mime’s smile in his pocket."
#AsemicPortrait #JScottSmart #TheFatman #RadioDrama #OTR_Mysteries #OTR_Detectives #HardboiledDadaist #Art #DigitalArt #AsemicArt #Pataphor #WordCollage #ProsePoem #Poetry #AsemicWriting #CollagePoem #HardBoiledDetective #PulpArt #PulpMagazines #DadaistDetective
Asemic Pulp Magazine 1
#DadaistDetective #Art #DigitalArt #AsemicArt #Asemic #PulpArt
#Collage #CollagePoem #WordCollage #Dada #Dadaist #DeconstructedText #Poetry #ProsePoem #PulpCoverArt #Magazines #PulpMagazines #RetroMonday #Scanography #WeirdFiction #WeirdTales #CoverIllustraion #CoverArt
I saw myself reading a book - This collage prose poem was derived from passages of #LafcadioHearn’s ‘Readings from a Dream-book’.
#Asemic #AsemicArt #Poetry #AsemicWriting #ProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Dreamscape #Dream #CollagePoem #DeconstructedText #AsemicText #AsemicBook #Halloween #Octobereen #PoemsForHalloween #Art #DigitalArt
WENDY GALES – Episode Five ~ churns of long strands In preparation for the next stage in her journey to Somewhere Else, Wendy Gales reads a Travel Guide.
#WendyGales #WritingProject
#ExperimentalPoetry #ExperimentalProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Dadaism #Dadaist #ProsePoetry #SurrealNarrative #ProsePoem
#Pataphor #DigitalArt #WordCollage #CollagePoem #CollageProsePoem #DigitalArt #Photography #AlternativeReality #SurrealArt #Art #MastoArt #FediArt
WENDY GALES – Episode Four ~ Purée Purple
‘We are Patched Motley Miche~Depain. Being of no renown, our occupation varies. I am an accredited variationist, and have varied across multiple states of existence, playgrounds, parkours, and market stalls. I will presently tell you of Purée Purple.’
#WendyGales #WritingProject
#ExperimentalPoetry #ExperimentalProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Dadaism #Dadaist #ProsePoetry #SurrealNarrative #ProsePoem
#Pataphor #DigitalArt #Dreamscape #CollagePoem #CollageProsePoem #AsemicTarot #Surreal #TarotCard #TarotCards #TarotCardArt #AsemicArt #AlternativeReality #SurrealArt #Art #MastoArt #FediArt
WENDY GALES – Episode Three ~ the flow of disinformation
After meeting The Tin Man, Wendy Gales and The Straw-Fog Man, left the barn to seek a murder of crows and a murmur of melodies.
Along the way they encountered Mother Scruples of The Magik Inaudible, and Saint Crumbles, The Magister of Mistakes – READ REST
#WendyGales #WritingProject
#ExperimentalPoetry #ExperimentalProsePoem #Dadaism #Dadaist #ProsePoetry #SurrealNarrative
#HighStrangeness #DigitalArt #Dreamscape #CollagePoem #CollageProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Surreal #Illustration #Photography #AlternativeReality #SurrealPhotography #SurrealArt #Art #MastoArt #FediArt
Wendy Gales: Episode Two ~ High Strangeness Events
Performances by the blues band, The Flying Monkeys, commemorated High Strangeness Events that were in the largest volcanic eruptions in Earth’s history. Eruptions in Earth’s history. This form also dates back to original encounters in the watery district. READ REST
#WendyGales #WritingProject
#ExperimentalPoetry #ExperimentalProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Dadaism #Dadaist #ProsePoetry #SurrealNarrative
#HighStrangeness #CollageArt #Collage #CollagePoem #CollageProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Surreal #AsemicWriting #AsemicArt #AsemicPostcard #AsemicPostcards #Illustration #Photography #MonochromePhotography #SurrealPhotography #SurrealArt #Art #MastoArt #FediArt
Be Moon Sand.
This is the name of the program. This is the name of the program -If there was a gene and a war. Gene war. OK, good news. Good news guys. Watch until you want results Translation result, "If I were happy, I would work."
If I was happy, boat turnip working. I tried to analyze my history.
Something is the Source. This is the name of the pro frame.
This is the name of the sand.
I will send my shepherds back to investigate this story. I will restore my shepherds.
Bring back my shepherds, this is the seer's warp drive.
This is the storyteller's struggle.
I will send this messenger.
I will send this messenger. Inside you, I am a predator paradox.
I am a predator.
I am my predator.
I am my predator.
Glue Oud - Do not rejoice that this old addict has checked the well. The source is meat. This is the name of the gig custard lute.
This is the name of the story. Name the creator of history -
indeed? indeed? indeed? indeed? Now trust me. Now trust me. If you see the closure. See closing. So when you cut the power, the public finds them to be good. frequent is good. Do they like to find out if this is related to an ongoing investigation? Better to continue? I'm closing. So koliachte, I'm an umbrella I program them. I use it.
Amazing Leg
My collage process is done with a scanner. A loose collage is placed on the scanner, and then further digital modifications or additions (borders) are completed.
A New
when you
My collage process is done with a scanner. A loose collage is placed on the scanner, and then further digital modifications or additions (borders) are completed.
Dadaist collage prose poem ~ like a butterfly making love to a cockroach
The Old Soldier flew into town on a broken rocking horse, like a butterfly making love to a cockroach. Making love to a cockroach. A cockroach sailing a boat. A cockroach looking for the purple forest. Find the green and purple forest.
~READ MORE on blog
#Poetry #Dada #Dadaist #Dadaism #ProsePoem #WordCollage #DadaistPoetry #DadaistPoetry
#Surreal #Poetry #CollagePoem #MonochromePhotography #Monochrome #EOS90D #Photography #Art #BlackAndWhite #Surrealism #BlackAndWhitePhotography
What's inside the bamboo? What's inside the bamboo? Bamboo has the charm of the moon and mountains. The magic of the moon and mountains. There are mountains to climb. This is the story of a blue river flowing in the sky. This is the dragon queen's escape. Leave the Dragon Queen. Let's see what happened to the broken sky - Let's see what happens when the octopus-soul seeks the Dragon Queen.
Let's see what happens.
Let's look at the open source of wonder.
Let's look at that open source of wisdom.
Anian's spirit attempted a simple story about scientists and humans' ability to sing, which was used from the start. It is a dream that always accompanies the moon, and the name means time for healing and learning. It is a time of healing and learning. The road to peace begins with absolute truth. Moon glasses tinkle with absolute truth. The pain spell continues after the truth dies. It was the same even after history's death. The black moon shines and is used on clothes. Luna sells used clothes. Art can do that.
Monochrome Monday ~ an Implied Space of Unsolved Mystery
#ImpliedSpace #MonochromeMonday #MonochromePhotography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #TVScreenCapture #EOS #EOS90D #ProsePoem #ProsePoetry #CollagePoem #WeirdPoetry #WeirdFiction #WeirdTales #HighStrangeness #HighStrangenessExperiences #Poltergeist #ShortStory #Phantasmagoria
Asemic Tarot Card ~ strophic feathers stoned
#Art #Collage #CollageArt #DigitalArt #Scanography
#MastoArt #FediArt
#Absurdist #Asemic #Asemicart #AsemicText #AsemicWriting #CollagePoem #DadaistPoetry #ProsePoem #Dadaist #DadaistCollageProsePoem #Poem #TarotCard #TarotCardArt
#TarotCards #AsemicTarotCard #AsemicTarotReading
#ProsePoem #ProsePoetry #CollagePoem #CollageProsePoem #CollagePoetry #Dadaist #Dadaism #Absurdist #DadaistCollageProsePoem
#Collage #CollageArt #DigitalArt #DigitalCollage
#AsemicArt #AsemicWriting #AsemicText #DeconstructedText #Postcard
#AsemicPostcard #AsemicPostcards #Asemic
The Potent Night Glove
This Dadaist Collage Prose Poem is a what if alternative history artifact. A prose poem by that well-known experimental Dadaist, H. P. Lovecraft.
#Photography #EOS90D #Monochrome #BlackandWhitePhotography #MonochromePhotography #CollagePoetry #CollagePoem #Dadaist #Dadaism #DadaistCollageProsePoem #ProsePoem #HPLovecraft #AlternativeHistory #Fantasy