A TikTok-style interface for exploring random Wikipedia articles.
A TikTok-style interface for exploring random Wikipedia articles.
Nieuw artikel: Eigen kaarten #Computer #Python #Website Op het moment ben ik met een klein Python project bezig om
Adam Osborne, who died OTD in 2003, introduced the Osborne 1, the first commercially successful portable #computer #history
The fact that CEOs overestimate the size of this market is easy to understand, since "CEO" is the most laptop job of all laptop jobs. Having a chatbot summarize the boss's email is the 2025 equivalent of the 2000s gag about the boss whose secretary printed out the boss's email and put it in his in-tray so he could go over it with a red pen and then dictate his reply.
Excuse me, but I'm not going to buy an Mini PC with Zen5 for $600 when I can put $100 more and get an RTX Laptop.
With warranty.
And 3-day shipping.
And a built-in monitor, keyboard and battery.
I mean, what gives?
Doorbraak in quantumland: 'ongekend veilig' internet stap dichterbij
My windows machine keep crashing. Sigh I will need to diagnose this weekend
Linux 6.14 RC7 is out!
Linux 6.14 RC7 is now released according to this mailing list entry. This release candidate brings in some of the small bug fixes across many kernel components, as well as support for more gaming controllers, such as:
The announcement post has been made in the same commit as linked above:
Things continue to look quite calm, and I expect to release the final 6.14 next weekend unless something very surprising happens.
In the meantime, I’ve pushed out rc7, and while it all looks nice and small and safe (the biggest patches in here are some selftest updates, and a few smallish reverts – but there’s tiny noise all over the place), it would be good to get one final week of good testing in. So please give it a whirl.
We expect that the next release for the 6.14 series to be the final release which will be out on March 23rd.
@memelovesfeet My #cats love my #computer. My computer loves my cats. It always cheers loudly in excitement as long as they lay on it. Such a wonderful relationship.
Ik vraag me af, is er een samenwerking tussen @nllgg en @repaircafe het ?
A cryptocurrency doesn't actually need a network of computers, or even an electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical computer.
All you really need is something to do math. Traditional "computers", meaning humans, could do it with nothing but paper and pencil if necessary. It would be slow, but assuming you used hash/key sizes and algorithms sized to the "technology" you were using, it would be doable.
A room full of experienced abacus users might actually have a decent "hash rate" with properly chosen technical parameters ...
Guys I've been thinking about this recently
So the telegraph has existed for a while, and became widespread in 1800s. Charles Babbage worked on the first mechanical #computers in the 1820s
What would be the earliest point in time in which a #Bitcoin like #Blockchain could've been made?
As I understand it all the system needs is a #network of computers each running a program that checks for transactions
I'm wondering if a different hash function was used it could be a lot simpler to implement into hardware, but if mechanical computing wasn't powerful enough for that the earliest might've been after WWII with the code breaking machines that the Allies invented
Any boosts would be greatly appreciated!
Boost your computer’s speed by upgrading its RAM. This guide covers choosing the right RAM, installation tips, and performance benefits. Learn how a simple upgrade can enhance your system’s efficiency. Read more:
„Doom auf dem C64 und ein atomarer Atari“
Nicht ohne Stolz: mein #Atari ST (ok, und ich) im / Besser Wissen #Podcast ! In dem etwa 45 Minütigen Podcast geht es um „hochgezüchtete“ #Retro-#Computer, wie sie auch auf dem #RetroComputer Festival im Heinz #Nixdorf Museum bzw. Forum zu sehen waren. Von 13:06 – 23:02 geht es dabei um mein Atari #STE System. Es ist übrigens auch auf dem Podcast-Titelbild zu bewundern.
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
This is the Sharp PC-2000, or “Ratecaputer,” from 1979. Only 200 were ever made.
The name is a portmanteau:
Ra for radio
Te for television
Ca for cassette
Puter for computer
wenn einem auf der autobahn nur falschfahrer entgegenkommen, ist wohl irgendwas anderes nicht richtig ...