DJ<p>Hiya, folks...DJ here. I'm back once again to check-in. For the past few weeks, my thoughts and feelings have been all over the place. Now, I wanted to share those on my show DJ in Real Life but I had to put it on hiatus once again due to technical problems. I had footage from PorchRokr last month that I filmed but somehow it got messed up in the days afterwards with some of it unrecoverable so I had to scrap it. Until I get a new camera and likely a few other things, the hiatus is back on again. Just when I had a bunch of things to talk about, I have to put all of that on hold until I can upgrade and replace the equipment I've been using. Quite frankly, it sucks donkey balls. Because I don't have the funds I was hoping to have (which I will talk about why on one of those future episodes), it may be a while, maybe next year at the earliest. I'm pretty ticked off about it but there isn't much I can do about it right now.</p><p>In the meantime, I've been slowly but surely engaging with my social media, mostly the new Threads platform (if you want to find me there, my handle is "DJHamrickIG"). I feel like I've been a little...saucy, for lack of a better word...overall online in the past couple weeks or so. I've also been a bit more open with my mental health stuff and some of my political views...or at least moreso regularly than I have been. I'm not sure how long that'll last but we'll have to see.</p><p>One other thing I have to note is that it's been five years since my dad died. It just feels surreal thinking about that and how he's not here anymore. His brother, my uncle Larry, passed away a year later, two days short of the passing of my dad, in 2019. This is a rough time for so many on my dad's side of the family. Frankly, I don't know what to think sometimes about it because of so many mixed feelings on my end...nothing I'm ready to talk about any time soon but those feelings do pop up from time to time, which I never admitted to before. I'm not sure if I ever will talk about those but they are there and they are a part of me.</p><p>Now, because the show is going on hiatus (once again, dammit) and with summer ending, I've decided that I'm shutting down my social activity for the rest of the calendar year and pick back up next year. I'm not hiding so much as I need to get some financial stability. As embarrassing as saying this might be for me, I don't expect any invitations to anything or any events any time soon. Whether I turned people off or away from me or they've moved on with their lives, apparently I haven't been on top of too many people's good sides, so I really don't have the kind of social life I was hoping I would have. It's partly my doing in some cases, sometimes it was circumstances out of my control, sometimes I just couldn't afford to do some things...but if I'm being honest with myself, I'm not a favorite of too many folks right now. If I have a mission over the next year and a half, especially in regards to my show, this is something I'm really going to work on greatly improving. Due to recent changes in some long term circumstances & the ending of one specific thing, there is a great potential for major personal changes in my life overall which for one reason or another I could not make any room or even have the possibility to make room for until now. I'll cover those changes on my show when the hiatus is over. In the meantime, except for anything that might have to do with my finances, people are gonna notice things with me or around me start changing or looking different, maybe including my overall life circumstances. Like I said, I'm gonna work on my social stuff and some of my social graces as I am apparently not as good at them as I was or thought I was. Well, I'm gonna work on that because...frankly...I need a life. The only thing I have for certain is going to USFL games again next year in Canton. Other than that, things are gonna be pretty open...for now.</p><p>On that note, I'm gonna take off. Thanks for reading. While the show's on hiatus, you can catch me here occasionally or on my social media. Until next time, take care, God bless, and I'll see you on the flip side.</p><p>DJ Hamrick</p><p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>checkin</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>DJinRealLife</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>hiatus</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>upcomingplans</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>father</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>sociallife</span></a></p>