Umbral glooms were foul, highly intelligent masses of black tentacles whose aim was to spread as much sorrow and misery as possible. It was no surprise, then, that umbral glooms were favored by Shar.
#dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore
When you as DM finally have to put your foot down on the players.
#DnD advice: Hard-pressed for cash? Just steal the adventuring gear you need; you can pay the seller back with all the loot you'll get from your dungeon delving.. if you remember which merchant it was that you "borrowed" it from.
New #dnd / #rpg post from Alphastream:
How to Create a Monster for Revised D&D 5E 2024
Drow Paladin by Jake Bartok
Today I worked on more free 3D printable mini requests from my patreon! I made:
- A spikey tortle barbarian who doesn't like plumbers
- a plump human rogue
Free stls:
I love the random nature of these. More to come tomorrow!
#dnd #3Dprinting #3Dmodeling #dndart
RPG tip from the archive: Reveal the world through the eyes of the characters.
I realized something about #GURPS today.
I prefer my #TTRPG games to be sandboxes. I want to play/GM in a world where PCs can go anywhere, and do anything.
And what I realized is that #GURPS takes that concept even further, because it does away with the restraints of classes in #DND, #PathFinder, and similar games. #GURPS turns your PC itself into a sandbox.
You got bored of being a fighter? Okay, just leave the Fighters' Guild and join the Paladins and train with them instead!
The Smiling Centaur in Zazesspur was built with larger-sized creatures in mind, which was only natural considering it was owned by the centaur Berdak. The tavern was frequented by Zaranda Star and her companions during her adventuring days.
Working on some stone pedestals/basins/etc. (for the next terrain video):
Oh... I also painted up a couple of Mantic ghouls too :)