Kristen's reaction is one of my favorites. AVENGERS: ENDGAME (2019) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Marvel
#marvel #endgame #cinepals #reaction
Kristen's reaction is one of my favorites. AVENGERS: ENDGAME (2019) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Marvel
#marvel #endgame #cinepals #reaction
#Queer wird fertig gemacht (ich las gerade #Leipzig / #Sachsen ist stabil links) in #Avengers #Endgame ca. min 20:50 in der #Selbsthilfegruppe bei den #Heulsusen. Und die #Herrschenden hochgehalten.
"Patser Uurtje" or .. I guess you could translate it to "Gym-bro hour" or something like that? :p
First build up to 1RM max bench press. Maxed out at 62kg, which is 10kg more than my previous ;)
Second was 4 sets of
* 10 dumbbell floor presses
* 10 bent over dumbbell flies
* 45" plank hold.
The floor presses were done with 2x17.5kg for the first, and then 2x20kg. Dumbbell flies with 2x6kg, and the plank was 1x without added weight, 2x with 5kg plate, and 1x with 10 kg plate.
In general, very happy with my progress :)
#workoutOfTheDay was core today.
* 30" Hollow Hold
* 30" Shuttle Runs
* 30" Sit-Ups
* 30" Step Ups
* 1' Rest
* 30" Walking Lunges
* 30" Tuck Ups
* 30" Up-Downs
* 30" Weighted Sit-Ups (14lbs medball)
* 1' Rest
#AMRAP 15'
* 8m Dumbbell Front-Rack Walking Lunges (2x10kg)
* 15 Weighted Sit-Ups (same medball)
* 6 Dumbbell Front-Rack Box Step Overs (2x10kg)
* 8 Tuck-Ups
* 12 kcal Row Erg
Tony Armstrong tackles racism in sports in new ABC documentary END GAME
First working on Squat Cleans and Push Jerks. Keeping in mind my shoulder I went in carefully...
5 sets of 3, did 25 / 27 / 30 / 32 / 35kg on the bar. In the end I'm really happy that even the push jerks went painlessly!
Then the actual #workout: "Scouts"
3 rounds for time
* 15m Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunges (42.5/30)
* 15 Strict Pull-Ups
Finished in 8'06"
Scaled to doing the lunges with 25kg on the bar, and 15 elastic assisted pull-ups each round.
Pleased with my progress - going from needing two heavy elastics for the pull-ups to now one :)
What if the agenda is to actually crash markets so they can buy up what y'all lose and cheap too?
Maybe they want farms to fail also so they can buy them cheap too.
Into meat grinder
Democracy sausage mix
Trump sports a Weiner
#Haiku #Tuesday #BadPun #America #Recession #decay #Junta ##UkraineBetrayal #RussianInfluencer #Trump #Hitler #PalOfPutinPrez #EndGame #SocialSecurity
#happybirthday @lupita_nyongo #lupitanyongo #actress #nakia #blackpanther #endgame #wakandaforever #mazkanata #starwars #theforceawakens #thelastjedi #theriseofskywalker #forcesofdestiny #TheWildRobot #aquietplacedayone #12yearsaslave #usmovie #SuperSema #The355 #BlackIsKing #TheJungleBook #QueenofKatwe #MarvelStudios
Today, I realized I still get teary-eyed every time I watch the beginning of Avengers: Endgame.
#marvel #avengers #endgame #reactions
First 5 sets of 3 bench presses, aiming at 75-80% of 1RM. Finished with 49kg on the bar.
Then the deadly #wod: "Nine Rings
In teams of two, each partner does
Men: 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10kcal row
Women: 40 - 32 - 24 - 16 - 8kcal row
A rows 50kcal, B rests, B rows 50, A rests, A rows 40, ... and so on.
Finished in 19'05" I'm still recovering from that one...
I just realized the #billionaire #endgame. They are playing #SidMeiersCivilization IRL #CIV6 #Civ7 #civilization #civilization6 #Civilization7
#AllStarTrek These kinds of episodes are so weird. Chakotay and Kim are basically plotting g to wipe out a timeline of everyone who has been living for the past 15 years.
Admiral Janeway plots to do the same thing in the finale #Endgame.
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Timeless
#HappyBirthday #ElizabethOlsen #actress #scarletwitch #CaptainAmerica #wintersoldier #Avengers #AgeOfUltron #CivilWar #infinitywar #EndGame #WandaVision #doctorstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness #whatif #marthamercymaymarlene #Godzilla #oldboy #windriver #ingridgoeswest #histhreedaughters #sorryforyourloss #loveanddeath @streammaxla @marvelstudios @DisneyPlusLA
@filmfacts Ich eher so #Endgame, nur mit dem „besseren“ Ende für Thanos! Unsere letzte Chance ist wohl nur noch eine mit harter Hand geführte Invasion von Aliens! Wir werden es hier selber nicht mehr packen… Also so a la Thanos-Snap… nur 100% Menschen weg… wer würde uns vermissen? Die Tiere sicher nicht! Nature is healing!
Nothing like making an entrance like popping through a balloon, er, Borg sphere.
Well, the Borg Queen disarmed herself, so to speak.
Captain Janeway: "There's got to be a way to have our cake and eat it too."
Only if it involved some cellular peptide transwarp hub cake with some minty green Borg frosting.
The Borg Queen seeing the modified Voyager destroying two cubes.
The Borg Queen was not amused.