DO THIS: Oppose Trump administration move to ban trans health care coverage in the ACA
One of the reasons I’ve always – always – been opposed to single-payer health care in the US is because I knew that the moment it happened, the fundamentalist movement would move to ban anyone receiving funds from a single-payer system from providing abortion services, even to people who are paying entirely on their own. That’s at very least. Probably all care for LGBT people at all, I thought.
I was entirely correct.
The Trump administration have quietly dropped a set of regulatory rules changes which talk about a bunch of technical things and then at the bottom add in, “and no money for trans people” at the end.
Here’s where you tell them to go fuck themselves. Or, possibly more effectively or possibly not, that you stridently oppose this regulatory change.
Please do this now, and then pass it around. They aren’t getting nearly enough pushback on this, and there’s been no media coverage that I’ve seen.
It’s interesting that they aren’t promoting this one, but are burying it under a bunch of other language at the very end. It very much implies that they’re starting to feel like – aheh – trumpeting their raw hatred for LGBT people in general and trans people in particular isn’t working well for them, so maybe they need to do it a little more quietly.
Let’s show them that doesn’t help.