#PennedPossibilities 623 — In theory, what would be your SC’s weapon of choice?
Well, she's becoming a praetorian and she can't sharp her feathers (making corundum edged wings razor sharp). She failed to kill the greatest "wizard" who ever lived with a border stone she dropped on her. Only skimmed her back, but it was enough to finally incapacitate the woman. Rocks don't make good weapons, though. She has "magic armor." If the author discovers another function in the armor other than glowing as if out of the forge, maybe that?
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#PennedPossibilities 622 3/3— Does your MC read? If so, what sorts of things? Do they have a preferred genre of choice?
Big thank you to PennedPossibilities, @floofpaldi, and to writer challenge games in general (#ScribesAndMakers, #WritersCoffeeClub, #WordWeavers). They help me think out stuff, definitely. So a big THANK YOU! Today, prior to writing chapter 23 in #RSMarsNeededWomen, I thought out an important message in my story that made it real and strongly relevant today:
From her first lover, May Ri scores for Mars a full scan of a 1890s to 2032 UNCENSORED paper book library. (In 2025, we're experiencing the progressive singularity hinted at in the novel.) …
That became the following in what I just published in the web-novel:
She read the summary. "'Re-education?' Wow, what a loaded word. Some fascist Decath patriarch was reading his copy of Raymond's uncensored library—and got the idea why the 2025-oligarchs banned them, huh?"
Burn. Apropos, since I wrote about this same villain a few days ago in another in PennedPossibilities 620, saying:
I hate this motherf'er, and so far I've only enjoyed hurting him. He consistently underestimates women. In a few days, I'll write and post the chapter where May Ri sees him die about as spectacularly as possible, with maximum fireworks.
Which resulted in this today:
May Ri realized the magnitude of the flare. Not sep. No benign peeling off of three boosters. It brightened, quickly blinding. One flare, five, then twenty. A string of pearls in the heavens, snapped off a mythical deity's neck, strewn angrily across the sky. A swarm of fireballs, another flare, two, then red comets that looked that way due to the increasing friction of re-entry.
"Oops," said Reina. "Should've run more sims."
See video. Same. Formerly a ship in the EM Mars Corp Colonization Fleet—and you know what EM stands for.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSMarsNeedWomen Chapter 23
Anti #DEI Gone Mad: Removal Of All References To #Race And #Gender On #Government Websites
2503.09 23/ — Ceiling #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera
She stood at a workstation, finally catching up her projects, the vids of dozens of Mars makers letting her supervise construction of everything from avionics to a zorothopic reactor tuner, while talking to her nisei teams that made the innovations possible.
"May Ri!" It felt like a shout. It was a worried normal voice, albeit in her ear. She jumped aside. Reina startled.
"Couldn't you've pinged me?"
The lithe Onēsanue held a hand over her likely racing heart, like May Ri did. "Too—" Grey eyes surrounded by freckles glanced at the two-way vids. "—sensitive." After farewells, Reina showed her book plate. Silently.
"Wait? Is Elysium fueling their starship?"
Reina nodded, flipped her book plate, and showed it again. May Ri flicked through anonymous reports.
It was bad enough they had to work with the Decath discontents, helping them adjust in the loving domes (not May Ri's term, a nisei one). She thought, Marriage ceased to be legally binding. W-T-F? Have a good relationship! Romantically pretend you're married. "Feel" God's word. Whatever! Men like sex, too; can't they see the benefits!?
She read the summary. "'Re-education?' Wow, what a loaded word. Some fascist Decath patriarch was reading his copy of Raymond's uncensored library—and got the idea why the 2025-oligarchs banned them, huh?"
"Somebody leaked our plans for the crews of the asteroid ships next week."
May Ri chuckled at the irony. "No, deduced them. I'm no genius. Likely the strongarm tactic they'd do— Wait! If Elysium takes over Deimosbase—"
"Exactly. Can a spinthrower knock a rocket from the sky?"
"And they call me the Bloody Princess! No. It shoots payloads to fixed locations. Chaotic movement through air, let alone predicting a powered trajectory, makes it useless. The railgun can't be retargeted, so don't ask. Besides, that vehicle is our access to orbit."
May Ri asked to see the refueling feed. She scrolled the dashboard, rabbit-holing links, finally finding an interesting link under Starship Comp Manage. "Firmware?"
Reina beamed. "Earth developers didn't get the real Mars. When we met—" at thirteen "—my mother had me writing interfaces for martian sensor packs."
May Ri punched the link as if she would break the screen.
"Let me." She tapped in a code… revealing their peaceful solution.
May Ri sat on the terminus of the Gale crater monorail spur to Elysium, boots dangling five meters above the rusty regolith, awaiting the local dawn which brightened the east a strange blue, ignoring her stomach growling about not getting lunch. Cargoons idled at ready behind her, but nobody joined her. Mari would've suited up, but she'd excluded her from the raid.
"Final countdown," came over the comm.
Due to Martian conditions, EM's starship model was two-stage-to-orbit. Disabling the vehicle fifteen hours prior would have made Elysium isolate their network and reload softs. Instead, Reina incremented the separation timer. They'd miss a timely sep. When they fell under their orbital ceiling and got sep, they'd be forced to emergency land, stranding their "Soldiers of God." May Ri planned a rescue… in a few weeks.
"Lift off."
May Ri had the best seat! She lifted her binocs as a miniature sun crested the crater wall, rising, sparkling, leaving a trail dyed orange by the real sun rising beyond a crater-hidden horizon. Another countdown whispered in her ear… "Engine cutoff."
May Ri clicked the stopwatch. The diamond in the sky dimmed, but the pale contrail followed, thinning. The starship reflected orange and yellow. The arc of the sky made it seem it still climbed, but cresting the zenith with a minute to go, it would soon fall below ceiling—
The ship flared.
May Ri juggled the stopwatch, lost it over the edge, grabbed her binocs… "Did they bypass the timer—?"
"No," said Reina's voice over the frenzy of others, on a private comm.
May Ri realized the magnitude of the flare. Not sep. No benign peeling off of three boosters. It brightened, quickly blinding. One flare, five, then twenty. A string of pearls in the heavens, snapped off a mythical deity's neck, strewn angrily across the sky. A swarm of fireballs, another flare, two, then red comets that looked that way due to the increasing friction of re-entry.
"Oops," said Reina. "Should've run more sims."
May Ri pinged Elysium reflexively, not thinking she might be rejected. Surprisingly, Stan's wife answered, "E—Elysium—"
"Patch me into Ezekiel!" she shouted.
The woman burst into tears. "He was on the flight!" With 69 other men, three nisei, two her sons. "Is this the Princess?" Her voice lowered, broke as she sniffled. "Please. I think we need some help here…"
#RSMarsNeededWomen 23
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
This may be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
Made a #satire video critical of conservatives on the trending tag of "What shouldn't exist,".
I love how these people call me stupid, and absolutely none of them know how to spell, use punctuation, or even form a coherent argument.
I was laughing the ENTIRE time I was reading it.
Btw I mentioned absolutely nothing about #gender or #sport. They brought that up on their own.
#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.24 — Is there a particular reader you keep in mind when you write?
Thanks to self, for all the great stories you write that make me giggle and prance in happiness, and for those that make me cry.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#PennedPossibilities 622 2/3— Does your MC read? If so, what sorts of things? Do they have a preferred genre of choice?
From her first lover, May Ri scores for Mars a full scan of a 1890s to 2032 UNCENSORED paper book library. (In 2025, we're experiencing the progressive singularity hinted at in the novel.) When she is investigating why a riot broke out that killed a little boy, the narrative states:
"So, let me get this right," May Ri said. She sat in a small supply dome cleared for the purpose, a light glaring overhead, a table, two chairs, a chamber pot, and a vid, currently blank but recording. She scrolled her book plate. "Dug… not Doug… not—"
"Douglas," the dirty haired, dumpy [contract colonist] snapped, ankle chained to the floor. Her age. She'd researched how police ran interviews in Randy's library, but between the textbooks and police procedural novels, the latter was the most helpful.
She's a-read'n somethin'! I'm thinking the chamber pot and ankle chain flourish must have come from something set in late 1800s London...
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSMarsNeedWomen Chapter 22
Re-reading the notes from my latest doctor's appointment for HRT... and it makes me happy to see me referred to with feminine pronouns and terms.
But... also.... I don't quite know how to process it? It's just like, "Wait, you people are taking me SERIOUSLY? Are you sure?"
Anywho, imposter syndrome is a bitch and not the good kind.
#PennedPossibilities 622 1/3 — Does your MC read? If so, what sorts of things? Do they have a preferred genre of choice?
Rarely do characters state, though the devil-girl did base her conceptions of love and sex as a teen on the romance novels she weaseled out of the servants. In her narrative, she trots out EXAMPLES, like a kiss-kiss-bang-bang that in our world would be set in Sicily with a mafia Juliet who is eventually told to kill her Romeo. Her reading/education was while she was raised to rule. Being somewhat autistic realistically required certain explanations and understandings of typical interactions that never came (pardon the pun)—before she ran away when she thought she could pass as adult. Educated on romance novels makes for a character who looks upon love—to use a phrase which is too severe—with a jaundiced eye.
Her hyper education and later street education with no allowance for being a child is why she often goes from being the adult in the room to turning into a 12-year-old girl (though NEVER out of control).
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory
Fordham University: Does AI Show Empathy? It Depends on Your Gender, Study Shows . “The researchers fed those posts into three AI platforms—ChatGPT, Inflection Pi, and Bard (now Google Gemini)—and then used a machine learning system to analyze the bots’ responses for their level of empathy. They also included other people’s posted responses to the Reddit messages to have a point of […]
If you are #trans or #enby
, or have any other #gender that is too complicated for the #MAGA douchebags, European countries warn against travelling to the Land Of The Free:
#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.22 — What distracts you the most from writing? How do you deal?
Haven't a clue.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.22 — Tell us about a book you love by an indie author.
Well, fan fiction seems to me to generally be written by indie authors who rarely get paid (though some make a living), and that's probably not what you meant…
Really, I went from reading and buying books all the time to writing all the time and not reading books. (I had my phone reading my manuscripts or fan fiction to me while exercising.) Previously, I only read conventionally published authors. Now, I'm trying to crack a book now and again. I understand that Indie books offer fresh blood, and please note the fact that you are all promoting on Mastodon is getting me interested in reading your books.
I'd definitely recommend Liana Brooks All I Want for Christmas is a Kiss Gargoyle. (@LianaBrooks) Found it in my feed. Enjoyed it muchly.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool
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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.23 — How do you feel about puns?
Ha! Puns, double-entendres, innuendo, turns of phrase. My specialties. I don't work to create them, they simply present themselves during composition. I say, "Thank you very much!"
Personally, as in my writing, I always go for the joke. My spouse is not always amused. My autism sometimes makes for very subtle puns.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool
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#WordWeavers 2503.23 — If their story goal was no longer an issue, what would your antagonist do?
This is a fun question! It's actually the antagonist who's trying desperately to save the world, all too aware of her inadequacies and failures doing so.
Were she to succeed, to stabilize things, she'd actually have attained her own personal goal: shedding all responsibility. Then she'd do lots of things. Farm. Try painting, Maybe do the hermit thing again, painting in caves maybe? Wander the world, or the stars (there's Interstellar travel). Read lots of books. Play the romance game (she's really into men and proves that throughout her stories).
You know, be retired!
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory
#WordWeavers 2503.22 — How impulsive or not is your MC? Does this affect the plot?
It varies between stories in progress.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#WordWeavers 2503.21 — A tornado is on the horizon. Does your MC find a basement or storm chase?
The regular MCs in the reluctance series. Basement. None are that stupid.
When the main antagonist is the MC, "Oh, F, did I mess up the weather service again!?".
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory
2503.12 22/—Emancipation #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera CW: Sex
"So, let me get this right," May Ri said. She sat in a small supply dome cleared for the purpose, a light glaring overhead, a table, two chairs, a chamber pot, and a vid, currently blank but recording. She scrolled her book plate. "Dug… not Doug… not—"
"Douglas," the dirty haired, dumpy import snapped, ankle chained to the floor. Her age. She'd researched how police ran interviews in Randy's library, but between the textbooks and police procedural novels, the latter was the most helpful.
He had had a second child, a son, after a 14 year contraceptive hiatus, never having visited his daughter, only his wife. She did not like him. "You took Howy, H-O-W-Y—?"
"Yes. My son."
"—From the crèche to form your own, to homeschool him?"
"With these guys?" She listed 20 men, returned from Olympus Mons.
"And their sons." Seven, of 35 total kids.
"Over the objections of your wife?"
"My son. My wife. What don't you get about 'Obey,' woman?"
She let the book plate clatter. "So you beat her?"
He crossed his arms. She read, God-given right. After five minutes silence, he slyly asked, "Ever read The Book?"
"The one full of obscene stories, wild sex, war, genocide, bloody executions, vindictive men brutalizing women for their property?" She nodded, thumb down.
"No. Scripture."
"Yes, that one." Study thy enemy. During school prayer, right? "The riot you started killed a boy named James."
"Went to a better place, a-theist. The women aren't teaching the Decath blessings per charter—"
Seven hours later, she returned to a room reeking of a latrine, weirdly thunderstruck: "Where'd you get the idea for a boy-only crèche?"
"Reverend O'Neil gave a sermon..."
Yuki Īto touch-walked into Reverend O'Neil's office, mostly floating, elegantly, her cotton tabi (toe) socks letting her anchor to the desk easily. She wore an Earth-imported yukata. White, with fluttering orange, red, and gold autumn maple leaves tied with a black obi sash, the little-used garment felt soft and symbolic. Feminine, yet powerful. She had grey hair; his had thinned to white floss that showed scalp. The last Decath Minister in Mars space was fifteen years older than her. Gone was his red hair and ronin's lecherous smile from when fate had stranded them on Deimos, alone.
Without contraceptives. Before the "bone issue" that left them and six others only able to live in Deimos' microgravity.
"Secretary Īto—" The smell of a mocha in a ceramic liquigrip waft in as she docked it on the imported mahogany desk and he stared. The Decath were all about wealth. For them. Not Japan, which NADS, a Decath country, had helped East Imperial China "annex" when she was three.
"Reverend." Yuki sank to the chair, then sipped her hot barley tea. Cocoa was no longer extinct, and coffee was a staple that could be spin-thrown from Mars—thanks to May Ri.
He finished, "I told you never to visit me again."
"Oh?" She tapped her temple, then sipped.
He sighed, took up the cup two-handed Japanese-style as she'd taught. Sipped. He smiled faintly. "Okay, what?"
She sipped.
He sipped.
A meter wide window ran from floor to ceiling to floor across the dome, displaying Mars like a faux painting in all its ferric, ferrous, and ferrosoferric Lowellian glory. Monorail lines not canals crisscrossed the equator, invisible to the eye, of course. She spotted Isidis Planitia. "A beautiful prison," she said, adding, "Time!" reaching for his vid.
"For what?"
"Wait." Nisei. A townhall, a podium, a speaker…
"The Harlot Princess of Mars!" His breath hitched. Behind her, "Our indiscretion," Reina.
"…The Sorority Charter we voted for prohibits slavery contracts. You cannot give the right to another to force you to obey. You cannot be made property. Because of recent abuses, and a history of abuse against women, today we voted to abolish marriage." A crowd of nisei roared approval. "No man may own a woman, enjoin her, force sex, assert right to her property. Her children are hers to raise, never his. This vote annuls all Martian marriages. Sex ceases to be illegal, but consent remains mandatory. Be civil, Martians, and… have fun!"
"Not Decath marriages!"
"Contact your diocese." Yuki directed men to remove his comm devices from his beautiful prison.
Randy, 55 today, lay spread-eagled. May Ri knelt between, with a two-handed grip. He asked, sweating, then really sweating, "What do you mean I should think of bedding another woman—? Don't squeeze!"
"What I said. Think about it. If it helps. If it gives you… ideas." She squeezed.
"You're already more than I can handle, Princess!"
She grinned evilly, freeing her slave—temporarily. "Good answer!"
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
2503.12 22/—Emancipation #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera CW: Sex
"So, let me get this right," May Ri said. She sat in a small supply dome cleared for the purpose, a light glaring overhead, a table, two chairs, a chamber pot, and a vid, currently blank but recording. She scrolled her book plate. "Dug… not Doug… not—"
"Douglas," the dirty haired, dumpy import snapped, ankle chained to the floor. Her age. She'd researched how police ran interviews in Randy's library, but between the textbooks and police procedural novels, the latter was the most helpful.
He had had a second child, a son, after a 14 year contraceptive hiatus, never having visited his daughter, only his wife. She did not like him. "You took Howy, H-O-W-Y—?"
"Yes. My son."
"—From the crèche to form your own, to homeschool him?"
"With these guys?" She listed 20 men, returned from Olympus Mons.
"And their sons." Seven, of 35 total kids.
"Over the objections of your wife?"
"My son. My wife. What don't you get about 'Obey,' woman?"
She let the book plate clatter. "So you beat her?"
He crossed his arms. She read, God-given right. After five minutes silence, he slyly asked, "Ever read The Book?"
"The one full of obscene stories, wild sex, war, genocide, bloody executions, vindictive men brutalizing women for their property?" She nodded, thumb down.
"No. Scripture."
"Yes, that one." Study thy enemy. During school prayer, right? "The riot you started killed a boy named James."
"Went to a better place, a-theist. The women aren't teaching the Decath blessings per charter—"
Seven hours later, she returned to a room reeking of a latrine, weirdly thunderstruck: "Where'd you get the idea for a boy-only crèche?"
"Reverend O'Neil gave a sermon..."
Yuki Īto touch-walked into Reverend O'Neil's office, mostly floating, elegantly, her cotton tabi (toe) socks letting her anchor to the desk easily. She wore an Earth-imported yukata. White, with fluttering orange, red, and gold autumn maple leaves tied with a black obi sash, the little-used garment felt soft and symbolic. Feminine, yet powerful. She had grey hair; his had thinned to white floss that showed scalp. The last Decath Minister in Mars space was fifteen years older than her. Gone was his red hair and ronin's lecherous smile from when fate had stranded them on Deimos, alone.
Without contraceptives. Before the "bone issue" that left them and six others only able to live in Deimos' microgravity.
"Secretary Īto—" The smell of a mocha in a ceramic liquigrip waft in as she docked it on the imported mahogany desk and he stared. The Decath were all about wealth. For them. Not Japan, which NADS, a Decath country, had helped East Imperial China "annex" when she was three.
"Reverend." Yuki sank to the chair, then sipped her hot barley tea. Cocoa was no longer extinct, and coffee was a staple that could be spin-thrown from Mars—thanks to May Ri.
He finished, "I told you never to visit me again."
"Oh?" She tapped her temple, then sipped.
He sighed, took up the cup two-handed Japanese-style as she'd taught. Sipped. He smiled faintly. "Okay, what?"
She sipped.
He sipped.
A meter wide window ran from floor to ceiling to floor across the dome, displaying Mars like a faux painting in all its ferric, ferrous, and ferrosoferric Lowellian glory. Monorail lines not canals crisscrossed the equator, invisible to the eye, of course. She spotted Isidis Planitia. "A beautiful prison," she said, adding, "Time!" reaching for his vid.
"For what?"
"Wait." Nisei. A townhall, a podium, a speaker…
"The Harlot Princess of Mars!" His breath hitched. Behind her, "Our indiscretion," Reina.
"…The Sorority Charter we voted for prohibits slavery contracts. You cannot give the right to another to force you to obey. You cannot be made property. Because of recent abuses, and a history of abuse against women, today we voted to abolish marriage." A crowd of nisei roared approval. "No man may own a woman, enjoin her, force sex, assert right to her property. Her children are hers to raise, never his. This vote annuls all Martian marriages. Sex ceases to be illegal, but consent remains mandatory. Be civil, Martians, and… have fun!"
"Not Decath marriages!"
"Contact your diocese." Yuki directed men to remove his comm devices from his beautiful prison.
Randy, 55 today, lay spread-eagled. May Ri knelt between, with a two-handed grip. He asked, sweating, then really sweating, "What do you mean I should think of bedding another woman—? Don't squeeze!"
"What I said. Think about it. If it helps. If it gives you… ideas." She squeezed.
"You're already more than I can handle, Princess!"
She grinned evilly, freeing her slave—temporarily. "Good answer!"
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]