It's gonna be a good ole fashioned hodgepodge night in the Cemetery tonight, with plenty of new and classic #goth #rock #metal and whatever else we can find. Join us at 11:59 pm eastern, only on #internetradio
One I just finished (while listening to Living Sacrifice's Hammering Process then an Impellitteri mix).
On XX Radio THIS WEEK - 5PM (2PM PT) & 8AM (5AM PT)
I’m Playing Classic Alternative and New Releases by:
Bob Mould
Edwyn Collins
Miki Berenyi Trio
I see that there are plenty of mobile apps for journaling, but they're all so cute. Is there like .... A gothy witchy one? With gothy little stickers and stuff? With gothy little pets like demons and void creatures?
One I just got done (while listening to mewithoutYou's Pale Horses [and the Pale Horses Appendix]).
Wisst ihr Bescheid, dass #Lacrimosa ein neues Album #Lament vor einer Woche veröffentlicht hat?
Goth(ish) song of the night: MVTANT - Kanashibari
another random find from recent days. i love the reverse-delayed scream sample, gives me big NIN vibes
The ever-so-young #nurse sticking #needles in me for #blood yesterday was a baby #goth. Dyed black hair, #black #scrubs, big black #glasses, lots of empty #piercings holes in her face. Cute, and kind, and distressed about me being a hard stick.
"I don't want to hurt you!" she wailed as she poked around for my vein the third time.
"It's all right. You know, some people do this for fun," I said soothingly.
Her, instantly, making it clear that she did indeed know: "Yes, but I'm not one of them!"
Are you in need of chill #postpunk & #dreampop this #Sunday? I'm live now with 4+ hours of #alternative #radio. We have #musicvideos, #marblesonstream & friendly, inclusive chat. Tap in! -->
Diese Woche als Lieblingssong markiert:
Lights by The Sisters of Mercy
Los artistas medievales no se refrenaban cuando querían asustar a los pecadores recordándoles lo que les esperaba en el Infierno si no enmendaban sus vidas. Estos artistas nos dejaron imágenes que son combustible de pesadillas.
Goth song of the night: VELVET VELOUR - SPOILED
Another very recently released banger from the dark synthpop artist with a V:TM - Bloodlines reference name
What's this? I'm a *moth*! Join my 21st-C Synth & Darkwave stream from 4 p.m. – 12 a.m. EST today (Saturday) on Twitch! @ 10:30 the Wylde Brethren Raid Train will join us for 90 mins of tribal industrial + dark electro. We have Marbles on Stream & friendly, inclusive chat. Tap in! -->