First Song "Dancing in the Dark" is out now on #Spotify
More is in the making

First Song "Dancing in the Dark" is out now on #Spotify
More is in the making
¿Qué es lo gótico? Muchas imágenes distintas pueden venirnos a la mente cuando escuchamos esa palabra. Podemos pensar en castillos y catedrales con altas agujas y grotescas gárgolas mirándonos desde sus cornisas. Quizá pensemos en historias de vampiros acechando por las brumosas calles de una ciudad decimonónica. O en hermosas jóvenes de pálido rostro ataviadas de negro.
Suddenly remembered one of my favorite mood songs for a Toreador: The Rose Red Bloody Stage by Bloody, Dead and Sexy.
It gets bonus points for expressing a point of view of a monster and clearly a self-professed tortured artist who feels personally tormented by their victims.
"Schwarze Szene" im Pott: Grufties, Gothics und Waver - Heimatliebe - Lokalzeit - Heimatliebe - Lokalzeit
Pirate Radio Cleaoptra's Top 100 Goth Albums countdown, part 2, is up now! Lace up your boots and refresh your lipstick. xo Lady Crow
just like a full moon
the heart is a hallowed place
for those who believe
#MastoPrompt #hallowed
#dailyhaikuprompt - full moon
¿Qué es lo gótico? He estado publicando cada uno de los capítulos de esta sorprendente y épica saga, que nos ha llevado a conocer pueblos bárbaros, catedrales inmensas, obras literarias espeluznantes y movimientos contraculturales que sacudieron a las buenas conciencias.
Fri - 9pm #goth night, $15 cover, 18+, all black attire minimum, #mideastclub , #CambridgeMA
#BostonWeekend 10/x
One I finished this morning while listening to Norma Jean's O God The Aftermath, and the Anti Mother.
Goth song of the night: Cult Club & Zanias - Play with Lies
A random golden find of the day. The bass... the bass!!!!
It's like Mick Karn has come back to life!! god i love this