Benjamin #Netanyahu va sosi la #Budapesta în prima săptămână a lunii #Aprilie.
Viktor #Orbán l-a invitat după ce #CurteaPenalăInternațională a emis un mandat de arestare pe numele său.
Benjamin #Netanyahu va sosi la #Budapesta în prima săptămână a lunii #Aprilie.
Viktor #Orbán l-a invitat după ce #CurteaPenalăInternațională a emis un mandat de arestare pe numele său.
get ready for the Dutch preminister #dick schoof, better that #orban and #trump
He is such a strong leader, hè dont need no horse, hè does all the running himself
Seit Jahren verurteilen Staaten immer wieder das Handeln von #Orban. Ganz aktuell verurteilt bspw auf Initiative von #Volt das niederländische Parlament das Pride-Verbot. Aber das kann doch nicht genug sein?
Weaponised Hate - The Hungarian State
"The fascist government in Hungary has been ruling with two thirds majority in parliament since 2010, and with emergency powers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. They have full legal power to do anything they want to without cooperating with the arguably non-existent opposition, and have taken full advantage of this for their own ends. They have been using anti-queer rhetoric for years now, and there were multiple legal steps that led to the current situation, I will try to outline the main steps here, but there were many more."
Maja is still in solitary confinement there! #FreeMaja
#TX elected #JasmineCrockett.
No one elected dimwitted #PamBondi. HOW DARE SHE!
This is not #Erdogan's #Turkiye or #Orban's #Hungary!
Americans!!! #FIGHTBACK!!! are you really going to put up with this?
@kardinal691 cool, fuck the putin’s puppet #orban
"If looks could kill?"
#EU finds way to bypass #Orban's veto on aid to #Ukraine
As #Politico writes, European leaders from 26 countries no longer rely on #Hungary to support key policy positions on #Ukraine.
#Viktor_Orban, who has regularly blocked #EU decisions to boost military aid to #Ukraine and advance its bid to join the #European_Union, no longer has the power to thwart key #European political initiatives.
Later: Turns out the authors of the reactionary Project 2025 were also aided in the creation of their fascist manifesto by a group of people who had earlier assisted Hungarian authoritarian Victor Orban in destroying Hungary's democracy.
#USPolitics #Hungary #HeritageFoundation #Orban #Trump #Project2025 #TuckersBalls
Pride Verbot in Ungarn: Mit Gesichtserkennung gegen die Versammlungsfreiheit
Die ungarische Regierung hat per Eilverfahren die Pride-Parade mit Bezug auf das „Kinderschutzgesetz“ verboten. Teilnehmer:innen drohen hohe Bußgelder. Oppositionelle und Organisator:innen der Pride wollen sich dem Verbot widersetzen....
sehr empfehlenswertes Buch von 2 Experten aus den #USA (2019, aber noch viele Jahre 'aktuell' bleibend (in deutscher Übersetzung))
"Wie #Demokratien sterben" (nämlich eher schleichend als sofort und offensichtlich, sodass es viele leider zu wenig bemerken) #Putin #Trump #USA #Europa #LePen #Orban #AfD #noafd #EU #Autokratie #Oligarchie #Medien #FakeFacts #FakeNews #Populismus #Propaganda #Demagogie #Institutionen #Gewaltenteilung #Meinungsfreiheit #Bildung #Demokratie
Weet iemand van jullie hoe het verder gegaan is met het plan van Hongarije om de Russen makkelijker een visum te kunnen geven ?
Na de ophef in het najaar heb ik nergens meer gelezen hoe het verder gegaan is.
Heeft de EU stappen tegen Hongarije ondernomen?
Is Orban doorgegaan met z'n plan?
Ik kan er niets meer over vinden op 't net.
As Hungary bans pride events, critics fear Russian influence #Hungary #matolcsy #Orban #PeterMagyar #TamasSulyok #ViktorOrban #VladimirPutin
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tutto spiegato bene, in modo piano e comprensibile e su youtube ci sono i sottotitoli.
E su sette cattivi esempi nominati nel video, due sono italiani