Panamá. Pueblo indígena Naso es víctima de la criminalización por defender sus tierras
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Panamá. Pueblo indígena Naso es víctima de la criminalización por defender sus tierras
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Panamá. Pueblo indígena Naso es víctima de la criminalización por defender sus tierras
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Why USA 'needs' Panama. From 2020. Support investigative journalism. Don't expect White House reporters to ask the tough questions when they are chastised and excommunicated for trying to do so.
"Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club Panama"
"We investigate how profits from Colombian cartels’ narcotics trafficking were laundered through a development that bore Donald Trump’s name"
So, ex-military personnel are being given the heads up that they might be re-enlisted soon while old material is being pulled out of the mothballs and given a mechanical checkup to see what can be put back in use for European defense... If you don't yet think there's a threat from the new USSR (Russia and America) toward the rest of the world, you're not paying attention. #US #Russia #Europe #Canada #Greenland #Panama #Putin #Trump #USPol
By jove #OrangeShitler's going to be keeping the military VERY busy invading #Greenland and starting wars with #Panama, #Mexico and #Canada!
#Trump de plus en plus fou! Prêt à déclarer la #Guerre au #Panama.
Il ordonne au #Pentagone de préparer un plan militaire pour s'emparer du canal de Panama.
Casa Blanca pide al Pentágono “opciones militares creíbles” por Canal de Panamá | vía #UChileRadio
Trump orders ideas from Pentagon for ‘unfettered’ access to Panama canal, officials say
Document described as interim national security guidance calls on US military to create options..#Trump..#GOP..#whitenationalism..#Panama..
I don't have any illusion #Trump actually will force #Putin to concede anything, since he has already said Putin has all the cards, and seems more friendly to Putin than Zelenskyj.
Trump wants to grab land himself in #Canada, #Panama and #Greenland so why would he deny Putin to do the same?
Defending sovereignty : #Panama 'firm' on canal as US reportedly weighs options
> NBC News, citing two unnamed #US officials, said the White House has asked the military to "draw up options for increasing the American troop presence in Panama" -- everything from more US-Panama security cooperation to an actual seizure. #MAGA #DonaldTrump
Le gouvernement panaméen a promis jeudi qu'il continuerait à défendre « vigoureusement » la « souveraineté nationale » du pays après des informations dans la presse américaine selon lesquelles Donald Trump a l'intention d'« augmenter » la présence militaire américaine dans l'État d'Amérique centrale afin de « reprendre » le contrôle de la traversée transocéanique.
There are SO MANY protests taking place in Washington DC these days, but I haven't heard of any that are specifically in opposition to the United States interfering with the sovereignty of Canada, Greenland, and/or Panama. I feel compelled to publicly express strong opposition to the idea of our government invading, annexing, or threatening countries that have done nothing to harm us. Does anyone in Washington DC know of any suitable protests?
#USA #Trump #Panama #intheheatofthenight
Der orange Lügenkönig sortiert die militärischen Truppen. Er fordert „uneingeschränkten” Zugang für US-Schiffe zum Panama-Kanal, schreiben @guardian und Reuters und berufen sich auf zwei anonyme Stimmen. Das Militär solle mal checken, was da geht.
#CentralAfrica #Somalia #Sports #WestAfrica #deported #Panama #stranded #Trump #Central Africa #Somalia #Sports #West Africa Deported Under Trump, Now Stranded in Panama
Trump orders ideas from Pentagon for ‘unfettered’ access to Panama canal, officials say #Trumpadministration #USforeignpolicy #USmilitary #USpolitics #Americas #Panama #USnews
I need to leave the #UnitedStates sooner rather than later. This is insane!
#Trump White House has asked U.S. military to develop options for the #Panama
Canal, officials say