Кажется, взяться за выпуск по сценарию было недостаточно.
Теперь думаю не записать ли для него музыку
Кажется, взяться за выпуск по сценарию было недостаточно.
Теперь думаю не записать ли для него музыку
When I first moved to Virginia Beach, the first three local celebrities I came to know were Rollie Bristol, Jae Sinnett, and Justin Kauflin. Justin who? The pianist playing this live show at Sam First.
Finally at the prelim mixing stage. Did a chill original song to mellow out with all the global weirdness going on. Guitar is Danelectro 59 (picking track panned hard left and strumming hard right). P-bass, keys, drums and main vocal up the middle. Two chorus backing vocal tracks, one hard left and one right. Still gotta chill some sibilants, fix some cymbal artifacts and mix. Having fun and trying to stay sane in the basement at the end of the day. #music #recording #guitar #songwriting #gearsquad
Analog vs. Digital
Vanessa Briscoe Hay lead singer of the band “Pylon Reenactment Society” dives into the evolution of music, the impact of AI, and how technology continues to reshape the creative process. We even create an AI-generated song together!
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
#theinternetiscrack #podcast #PylonReenactmentSociety #music #analog #digital #recording #indiemusic #athensga #livemusic
Request for help!
Do you have any suggestions on how to clean up the audio from a video recording of about 1.5 hours?
The audio from the video recording of the Python Pescara meeting last night is full of clips, hisses and echoes, and we would like to fix it before publishing it.
Many AI-powered online platforms allow max 30 min audio free trials, while OpenVINO for Audacity has the binary available only for Windows.
Had to tame the sibilants in this little ditty. It was way too harsh on the ears. Pulled a few sibilant points down on the vocal track volume automation line and re-uploaded. #music #recording #guitar https://youtu.be/Gfiv4Rv9oCM?si=nc_sDOmLTAvNPDn6
"Carry Inside" from the album "Kitchen, place of love"
#mrnrnw #makerockandrollnotwar #makerocknrollnotwar #therealbuddyolli #oliverblaze #solo #recording #playitloud #theme #indierock #indiepop
#alternativerock #langlebelivemusik #popart #americana #indiefolk #dharmabums #düsseldorf #koln
Sound Dust Drift Terrible Wurlitzer Free KONTAKT [FREE]
This is a DRIFT FREE instrument made by recording the Wurli through the live pitch shifting algorithm of an MPC 1000. The WURLITZER TOOLKIT has 4 unique sounds/instruments, one of them, BA
Bob Dylan—All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track
Sale: $19.99 to $2.99
Author: Philippe Margotin
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (983 Reviews)
#BobDylan #Music #History #Folk #Legend #Songwriting #Genius #Legacy #inspiration #BTS #recording
Splice supercharges songwriters with recording added to mobile experience https://rekkerd.org/splice-supercharges-songwriters-with-recording-added-to-mobile-experience/
Roon rolled into this Joe Bonamassa live show recorded at the Vienna Opera House. Digital mixers make it easy to capture the stage tracks for post show remix and mastering. The guys on the boards got a good take. Gorgeous recording of an energetic live show yet with studio nuance. #electric #blues #liveshow #recording #now playing
Found a guitar demo of the new Shure Nexadyne amp mic
Not super impressed tbh.
“The President Wanted It and I Did It”: Recording Reveals Head of Social Security’s Thoughts on DOGE and Trump
In a recording obtained by ProPublica, acting Social Security Commissioner Leland Dudek portrayed his agency as facing peril, while also encouraging patience with “the DOGE kids.”
Der Versuch, als biologischer MIDI-Sequenzer einen Loop solange einzuspielen, bis das Tape voll ist. Jetzt weiß ich, warum Leute Tape Loops basteln.
Иногда в Фонотеке YouTube встречаются очень атмосферные бриллианты среди горы унылой фигни.
Из-за одного такого эмбиент саундтрека я начал записывать эпизод подкаста до того как дописал даже треть его сценария - просто чтобы поиграться со звуковым дизайном
/// "Serendipity-Spezial" featuring „Jazzklub“ ~ Session #04 ist nun online und freut sich auf Hörer*innen:
/// "Serendipity-Spezial" featuring "Jazzklub"~Session #04 is online now and looking forward to listeners:
>>> https://radiyan.uber.space/serendipity-spezial-featuring-jazzklub-session-4-im-pierre-grasse/
featured artists:
* Christoph Michl (Tenor- & Soprano-Saxophone)
* Max Rembe (Guitar)
and - as always:
* Albrecht Brandt (Double Bass)
* Hannes Lingens (Drums)
Eine Veranstaltung des @jazzkollektiv
This guy went off on a right tangent, angry, accusing me of being angry myself for simply pointing out that Behringer does as little as possible to make as much money as they can. This includes taking someone else's product thats still being sold and selling it as their own.
Buying smart doesnt just mean buying cheap, it means buying ethically so that other people dont get ripped off in the process.