For my Kpop #SongOfTheYear2023, I am actually going to name three songs. I felt tempted to list many more, because it is so difficult to choose, but as a matter of self-discipline I decided I had to limit my selections. Nevertheless, I decided to choose three songs rather than just one, as placing them in three different categories will give me a chance to say something about the various ways in which the individual songs and kpop in general appeal to me.
I’ve appended my three songs as replies to this post.
My three categories:
Most Kpop fans have a marked preference for either boy groups or girl groups. Why this is so and what the ramifications are for the kpop industry are fascinating questions, but rather than address them here, I will just point out that I am a girl group fan. That does not mean, however, that I do not like or listen to boy groups; I just don’t follow them in the way that I do girl groups. From time to time, though, boy groups will satisfy me in their own distinctive way; SHINee and VIXX are among the groups that have hit that spot in the past.
Kpop is title track driven and it has to be said that a good many B sides, side tracks, or whatever we are going to call them sound like filler. In addition, one of the reasons I enjoy Kpop so much is the emphasis given by the industry to the MVs, performance, and the visual. Consequently, I pay more attention to title tracks than B sides. All that being said, some B sides delight me, and I am always more than delighted to see a good B side get its own stages and video. This year I had a hard time choosing between three B sides , all of which I loved.
Although I had a hard time picking the B side of 2023, my decision for title track of the year was much simpler. It’s a very mainstream choice, by which I mean it’s a popular song from a popular group, a song that I expect many others will name as their SOTY too. I don’t pretend to be any kind of kpop hipster!