This has to be one of the funniest bugs I’ve had on PlayStation
Just an #Uncharted cinematic that goes awfully wrong then I couldn’t exit the game
This has to be one of the funniest bugs I’ve had on PlayStation
Just an #Uncharted cinematic that goes awfully wrong then I couldn’t exit the game
Uncharted 2: El Reino de los Ladrones (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux] #1
Uncharted: El tesoro de Drake (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux] #6 [FINAL]
Uncharted: El tesoro de Drake (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux] #5
Ruins: *exists over 2000 years*
Nathan Drake: Grips a single handhold
Uncharted: El tesoro de Drake (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux] #4
Uncharted: El tesoro de Drake (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux] #3
Uncharted: El tesoro de Drake (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux] #2
Uncharted: El tesoro de Drake (Trilogía Uncharted PS3) [GNU/Linux]
Uncharted 3 was SUCH A BLAST last night. I'd forgotten what a visual upgrade it was over the first two games! I finished the first 8 chapters and started the 9th, out of 22. Let's see how far I can get tonight. #gaming #uncharted
Here in the uk channel 4 is showing #uncharted it’s a shame the film was so mid as could have been incredible. Think the movie was miscast. They should have let Nathan Fillion make it as he did an incredible fan film a few years back for uncharted.
You all ready to head off the beaten trail? Get lost in our own little world? Take the road less traveled? Head out into the unknown? Where we're going tonight, everything is Uncharted. 3 times over. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception tonight! #gaming #uncharted
I'm so close to the end of Dragon Age II! I think. I'm streaming it tonight regardless. And if I'm as close as I think I am and I do manage to finish early enough tonight, I'll get started on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception! #gaming #dragonage #uncharted
¡La película de Uncharted que nunca vimos! Descubre los secretos de la versión de Seth Gordon y cómo influenció la adaptación final
#Uncharted #cineyvideojuegos
And that nod to Crash Bandicoot reminded me that it was one of my very first Playstation games
(bought second-hand along with a handful of other games)
Lost Legacy finished! "Short" but very good
And so ends my Uncharted marathon
I had a great time, especially on Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 4 (and The Lost Legacy!). Apart from Uncharted 3 (which I'd forgotten), I'd never played the others!
Now playing The Lost Legacy
Although it sometimes drags on, I had a great time on Uncharted 4
More Uncharted: Drake's Fortune tonight! I've missed this game terribly, it's easily my #1 Naughty Dog series by far. #gaming #uncharted