SpaceX Rocket Launch Plume over California
Credits: Craig Bobchin
#nature #space #astrophotography
The Rosette Nebula.
Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 + ZWO ASI585MC Pro.
300mm, f2, 150 exposures of 30’’.
#telescope #telescopes #celestron #celestrontelescope #celestronnexstar #nexstarevolution #nexstarevolution6 #zwo #zwoasi #zwoasi585mc #astro #astrophoto #astrophotos #astrophotography #astrophotographer #spacephotography #astronomy #spaceexploration #nasa #universe #space #deepsky #deepspace #nebula #rosette #rosettenebula #caldwell #caldwell49
Star Formation in the Pacman Nebula
* Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Montilla (AAE)
You'd think the Pacman Nebula would be eating stars, but actually it is forming them. Within the nebula, a cluster's young, massive stars are powering the pervasive nebular glow. The eye-catching shapes looming in the featured portrait of NGC 281 are sculpted dusty columns and dense Bok globules seen in silhouette, eroded by intense, energetic winds and radiation from the hot cluster stars. If they survive long enough, the dusty structures could also be sites of future star formation. Playfully called the Pacman Nebula because of its overall shape, NGC 281 is about 10,000 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. This sharp composite image was made through narrow-band filters in Spain in mid 2024. It combines emissions from the nebula
's hydrogen and oxygen atoms to synthesize red, green, and blue colors. The scene spans well over 80 light-years at the estimated distance of NGC 281.
some more photos from the lunar eclipse two weeks ago. second is admittedly a composite/edited in the moon, but my aim for photos is to replicate what it look(ed) like to my eyes, since they serve as a memory
by far the biggest limitation to my photo-taking ability is that i don't have a star-tracking mount yet LOL (please share any recommendations!) so i just have to use shorter exposures and frame wide enough that there's enough interesting stuff in there start to finish
1: 60s stack, f/2.8, iso 1600
2: 18s stack, f/1.8, iso 3200
X-Rays from an Active Galaxy
Credits: SAO, CXO, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography
We took some cool photos tonight :)
We will make a video about this for our TROMhome channel - . You can subscribe to get updates :)
Do you see Jupiter? :)
Hanny's Voorwerp
Credits: #NASA, ESA, W. Keel, Galaxy Zoo Team
#nature #space #astrophotography
First imaging session after a long pause, introducing some new equipment: mono camera , electronic focuser and new refractor.
#astronomy #astrophotography #sun #oiii #cak #sunspot
Rainbow Tree
Credits: Eric Houck
#nature #space #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Full View of NGC 7793
NGC 7793 is a spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation and lies at a distance of about 13 million light-years from the Milky Way. It is one of the brightest galaxies in the Sculptor Group, one of the closest galaxy groups to our Local Group. The image shows the spiral arms and a small.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Full View of NGC 7793
NGC 7793 is a spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation and lies at a distance of about 13 million light-years from the Milky Way. It is one of the brightest galaxies in the Sculptor Group, one of the closest galaxy groups to our Local Group. The image shows the spiral arms and a small.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
2minuten vorher gelesen
Kamera Panik Action
#iss #astrophotography
The Equal Night
Credits: STS-68 Crew, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography
First attempt at #astrophotography with the Seestar S50 in equatorial mode.
215x30s exposures, processed with Siril and GraXpert.
I’m even more positively impressed by the toy…
SH2-274, la nébuleuse de la Méduse, située dans la constellation des Gémeaux.