The major parties have voted down a bill that would have allowed prosecutions for #genocide to occur without the Attorney-General’s approval.

The major parties have voted down a bill that would have allowed prosecutions for #genocide to occur without the Attorney-General’s approval.
#DisabledPeople explain the real cost of #LIEBour's #welfarecuts
#TricommissionStarmer #KeirtStalin #RedTories
#ClassWar #Austerity #Inequality #PIP
The Labour Party HATES Humans
Stories include:
11.18 min. mark: #TikToker's 2 neighbours were stolen from his community: kidnapped by #ICE. The neighbours were 100% legal , and the TikToker is asking the public to help. Please reboost this story.
12.28 min mark; #DaveNeal uploaded a tweet from a reporter showing a disgusting anti-immigrant propaganda photo of #PuppyKillerNoem wearing a thousands-of-dollars watch, standing in front of an #ElSalvador concentration camp with shaved head #migrants saying if people come to the U.S. this prison is where they will end up.
People are being kidnapped off the streets in the U.S. whilst #farright idiots are attacking any #contentcreator who addresses the topic, which could put that creator at a financial risk. Let's support content creators who address injustice.
14.52 min mark: U.S. to revoke #LEGALStatus of more than a half-million migrants, urges them to #selfdeport
Dave makes the point that #JeffBezos is your problem not migrants.
18.19min PhD, #PalestinianStudent, #TuftUniversity, kidnapped by ICE off the street. All on video. Disappeared into a van.
22.28 #SignalLeaks
#ClassWar #ClassSolidarity #AbolishICE #DueProcess #StopDeportations #DisappearedInFASCISTUSA
Do These #Greens Still Have an Image Problem?
Dutton, Littleproud and the Billionaires’ LNP • Keep Them Poor • Keep Them Sick • Keep Them Ignorant • Control The Women #auspol #Australia #politics #policy #AusVotes25 #AusElection2025 #TaxTheRich #ClassWar #EatTheRich