Brest: Atelier Dev, Code, Le vendredi 21 mars 2025 de 16h00 à 18h30. #infini #code #libreEnFete2025 #dev #terminal #linux #logicielsLibres
You can now somewhat properly use Post Split on iPadOS and macOS. I opted against a native macOS version for now, because I’d have to make too many UI changes. But I optimized the iPad version so macOS is now usable because of that. Let me know what you think and which suggestions you have for making the UI better on bigger screens. Other than that I now include the platform you split the post for in the view with the split (1/2)
The future of software engineering is secure thanks to the incompetency of vibe coders. #dev
Can't believe this quick little thing made this week's @codepen Spark!
Tous les sujets comptent.
#accessibilité, #design, #dev, #webperf, #éthique… on veut de tout.
Maintenant, on attend vos sujets ici :
Il vous reste 5 jours.
A mon tour de demander à Mastodon de faire sa magie !
Je suis désormais à la recherche d'une nouvelle opportunité en tant que #dev ou #architecte .
J'ai une quinzaine d'années d'XP sur des architectures #microservices
Je suis sympa et je ne mords pas.
Dispo à partir de la mi-Avril, j'ai la tête bien faite et vous n'aurez pas besoin de me tenir la main bien longtemps.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter en privé et booster si possible
Minimal pure #CSS textile patterns on @codepen
Absolutely no images other than CSS gradients and they are all tiny! All of them are under 500 bytes minified, some of them well under!
Because someone just hearted this decade old #3D demo, I gave it a quick 2025 remake using modern #CSS features
- grid instead of `position: absolute`, CSS variables to avoid setting multiple properties in Sass loops, `color-mix()` and more!
Based on a GIF by @sasj, originally CSS-ed 9+ years ago live on CodePen in 10 minutes and 50 lines of SCSS. Now the code is even more compact.
Another little @codepen demo: pure #CSS double ball helix
(yet another demo that cold be simplified by the `position: absolute` to `display: grid` switch for stacking and in the future, further simplified by `sibling-index()`)
For example, nowadays I wouldn't use `position: absolute` + offsets + negative `margin` to stack and place elements in the middle before applying transforms to position them in 3D.
I would use grid now.
Someone hearted this old thing on @codepen and I noticed it said Chrome-only - tested and it's not the case anymore, it works cross-browser.
Do note that it's 8+ years old, before #CSS variables, grid, newer functions and could be much simplified using these.
Some single `button` sets I made on @codepen a while back:
If we have an inline `span` inside a `p` & we give it a semi-transparent `background` + a `padding`, we get an alpha increase where backgrounds of adjacent lines overlap.
How would you solve this problem without text duplication, without stacking 2 identical `p` elements, one for background (opaque background + transparent text + opacity) and one for text (transparent background)?
Just performed a technical interview and during one of the discussions the candidate end up with the following code in codepad: struct S { int x = x; };
A bit to my surprise it compiled successfully with the codepad built-in GCC 12.
Then I was wondering what does that even mean.
It turns out that in C++20 this is a syntactically correct designated initializer for a non-union aggregate. And no one explicitly forbids it from being self-referential!
So basically that's attempt to assign the x value to the same x. Before it was initialized. And yes, that's possible, and yes, that's UB.
The more I see C++ code the more I grow an opinion "You can type any random string into modern C++ compiler and it would compile successfully. And it will contain at least one UB."
I found a really neat royalty free pattern generator. It has several export options (inline SVG, PNG, JPG, and CSS background image).
Hi, mastodon I have a new article out!
A Deep Dive into the Inline Background Overlap Problem:
How do you get the below result (semi-transparent background on inline span) with large padding & no overlap?
Answer in article, but think a bit about it first.
OpenJDK Java 24 Released With Garbage Collector Improvements, Deprecating x86 32-bit