'Living Cascades' by Luiz Santos https://luizsantos.com/track/1331908/living-cascades #jazz #art #classical #drums #drummer #piano #composer #artist #instrumental
'Living Cascades' by Luiz Santos https://luizsantos.com/track/1331908/living-cascades #jazz #art #classical #drums #drummer #piano #composer #artist #instrumental
Download ~ “Imagine Visions” By Luiz Santos https://luizsantos.com/imagine-visions
#funk #fusionjazz #jazz #art #drums #drummer #composer #piano #instrumental #worldfusion #percussionist
Her skill is off the charts. So clean. Misty Mountain Hop was spot-on. Four Sticks? No problem. She's not perfunctory with the beats. Watch her facial expressions. She is into it. So rarely does a stick meet a rim and it not be intentional.
This was recorded without editing, straight through. She can drum for any pro band she chooses.
This is the same video I posted before - the unblocked one, thanks to the band.
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 19th March 2025.
Eddie Griffiths (guitar), Sammy Stephens (vocals, bass), Chris "Bundie" Mundie (drums, vocals), and Matt Cooley (guitar,vocals), together known as The Short Cuts, from Northwich in Cheshire, ion stage and giving it some at Satans Hollow, Manchester, 20th April 2003.
See if you can figure out what their favourite movie was from that song…
#Manchester #SatansHollow #TheShortCuts 'guitar #bass #drums #NorthwichBands #OneTwoTreeFourNorthwichHardcore #ManchesterMusic #LiveMusic #BandOPhotography
Bonus Photo of the Day 19th March 2025.
Greg Chapman, drummer with Junk Culture, on stage at the L2, Liverpool, 13th November 2001.
#Liverpool #L2 #JunkCulture #GregChapman #drums #LiverpoolBands #LiverpoolMusic #LiveMusic #BandPhotography
Up to you by Junk Culture
GET Creative Brazil Latin Jazz! ! Burgy Candombe Freaks By Luiz Santos
#jazz #art #drums #drummer #brazilianmusic #brazilianjazz
#latinjazz #worldmusic
Some Livonian music for your Wednesday evening
Yurt Rock releases Stephen Bidwell Tape Drums Volume 2 https://rekkerd.org/yurt-rock-releases-stephen-bidwell-tape-drums-volume-2/
Get New Music "Tribal Universe" by Luiz Santos https://luizsantos.com/track/3594105/tribal-universe #jazz #afrobrazilian #drums #drummer #worldpercussion #smoothjazz #funk #latinjazz #worldmusic #art #brazilianjazz
A little upgrade for our Roland TD-1K electronic drum kit that we bought back in 2020.
Gained a few extra bars and clamps off eBay and managed to separate each individual drum element to one side of the kit.
This solved the issue of the cymbal hits triggering the toms or vice versa when two elements were too close together.
Now it plays even better. And looks a lot more compact.
Heute "jazzklub" #05 ~ Session ~ im "Pierre Grasse" ~ #live und on air im #radio ~ 19.45 Uhr geht's los //
Today "jazzklub" #05 ~ session ~ at "Pierre Grasse" ~ listen #live and on air on the #radio ~ tune in at 7.45 p.m.:
>>> https://radiyan.uber.space/radio-is-live-today-broadcasting-jam-session-pierre-grasse-tune-in-8-p-m/
featured musician:
* Sebastian Böhlen - Guitar
and - as always:
* Albrecht Brandt - Double Bass
* Hannes Lingens - Drums
broadcasted by @radiyan
>>> https://jazzkollektiv-halle.de
>>> https://fettstein.de
>>> https://sebastianboehlen.com
>>> https://hanneslingens.de
>>> https://radiyan.uber.space
Save 85% on Complete Drum Bundle by Function Loops https://rekkerd.org/complete-drum-bundle-by-function-loops-sale/
Download Brazil Jazz Latin Grooves Now "Oinquiacoes Infinitas Das Chapacoes"
#Jazz #art #drums #worldmusic #brazilianmusic #latinjazz
At his peak in the '70s drummer Aynsley Dunbar (Bowie, Lou Reed, and especially Zappa) was virtually without peer. He could play jazz as well as rock, as this example shows. A brilliant performance from Dunbar, on my favorite Frank Zappa album. https://youtu.be/qe9ERGB8If0 #Drums
KNOCK drum processor by DECAP on sale for $79 USD https://rekkerd.org/knock-drum-processor-effect-plugin-by-decap-sale/
Audija updates KickDrum virtual instrument to v2.5 (BETA 1) https://rekkerd.org/audija-updates-kickdrum-virtual-instrument-to-v2-5-beta-1/
Are Ye Sleepin’, Maggie? - A classic, most likely originating in Scotland.
Think: What was that song about waking up Maggie ? ;-)
#Music #Joy #IrishMusic #SaintPatricksDay
#Accordion #Guitar #Bass
#Drums #Trumpet #Trombone
#Tuba #theMadMaggies #Sax
Variations on a trad tune in which I interspersed original two voice melodies. A bit of a no-no in traditional circles.
#Music #Joy #IrishMusic #SaintPatricksDay
#Accordion #Guitar #Bass
#Drums #Trumpet #Trombone
#Tuba #theMadMaggies #Sax
Sleepy Maggie - a traditional reel, mad maggiefied
#Music #Joy #IrishMusic #SaintPatricksDay
#Accordion #Guitar #Bass
#Drums #Trumpet #Trombone
#Tuba #theMadMaggies #Sax