淡路梅薫堂はお線香 お香の製造工場です。 ただ作るだけではなく、お線香・お香作りのワークショップも行っています
ぜひワークショップを通じて、 沢山の香りに触れてみてはい
● 場所: 〒656-1531
兵庫県淡路市江井工場 (チソウギャラリー) 2738-2
#Awajilsland #AwajiShima #JapaneseIncense #Incense
#Japaneselncense #Fragrance #aromatherapyrelucir
#Mindfulness #TraditionalCraft #handmadeshop #workshops
#JapaneseCulture #香り #お香 #線香 #淡路島 #淡路梅薫堂 #日本の文化 #アロマ #癒し #和の香り #職人技
A review of Maroma's sandalwood and cedarwood incense sticks, made in Auroville. @incense #incense #blog #fragrance
Are you a fragrance lover ?? WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY!
Fragrances are pure oxygen for me, i cant breathe without them..
Here is a piece written by me on Most hyped fragrance brands in the world. Read and leave your comment/suggestions. LY All
#blog #writing #artist #creative #scent #perfume #love #mastodon
I'm almost out of #fragrance, was browsing the #Wikipedia page "List of celebrity-branded perfumes". I found what I want! I want Red For Filth by #AlaskaThunderfuck.
“A 100% vegan, unisexual non-binary scent featuring top notes of hops, turmeric leaf, and cocaine;”
I have no idea what cocaine smells like.
Bukhoor achieved! The Turkish censer was too fiddly even with the chain, or rather I don't have the cultural memory on how to handle it well, so went with what's probably a family heirloom at this point, a Malay-style one. The big one is where the whole charcoal and incense/oud goes in, the smaller one is where you store the resins, oud, or incense. The tray is also heavy. Pretty sure the whole thing is bronze but I'm just guessing.
Anyway unlocked family lore on how one of my Arab aunts uses them in the mornings.
International survey on the suffering of fragrance-sensitive people
Available in five European languages
Has been running for a while and closes on February 28, 2025
Did you know that Rammstein released an official incense cone variety? Well, I reviewed it. @incense
My wonderful wife @shirleynietzsche somehow scored a bottle of Givenchy Very Irresistible Homme, my favorite EDT discontinued in 2012 and hopelessly sold out everywhere, and didn't even break the bank Never though I could smell it again!
I now #smell of #tomato & I don’t mind the #scent at all.
I think it would make a great #deodorant #fragrance.
I talked about this with my better half & she told me there IS a tomato scented #perfume & that it sells for around AUS$60 a bottle!!!
Maybe I should just tomatoes under my arms.
@lulu_bear Mura I've never noticed that before I must research and learn what it is. And yes she is one powerful lady. I remember when it launched here in the States ah the late 70s what an interesting time in #Fragrance
The lovely assistant in John Lewis gave us quite a few free samples of expensive fragrances today. That should keep me going for a good couple of months.
Want to Smell Like Donuts?
Native & Dove have jumped on the bandwagon, but indie fragrance artist Darling Clandestine already had you covered:
Wired: "Want to Smell Like Donuts? Beauty Brands Think You Do. The food-beauty crossover is suddenly everywhere."
This very distinctly smells like old electronics. In a good way! It immediately transported me to a dinky PC second hand I used to visit in the 90s as a teenager. It smells like my Voodoo Rush card! #fragrance
I didn't know holly had such nice smelling flowers before I found the one in a neighbor's garden. ️
...Actually, it isn't a holly but a 'false' holly (Osmanthus heterophyllus), but I feel the name a bit insulting for the aroma!
Stinky Things
Dezember 2024
#ArtAdventCalendar 19
Rendering eines Räucherstäbchenhalters und einer Aromalampe, wie sie in den 2000er Jahren gefertigt habe
Rendering of an incense holder and an aroma lamp as I made them in the 2000s
#wohnaccessoires #duft #AmbossMetalldesign #blender #3d #rendering # #digital #3dRendering #HomeAccessory #fragrance #art #b3d #metal #crafts
Male orchid bees of the tribe Euglossini collect fragrances, to offer them during courtship.
I find this absolutely adorable :)
Reads like from a book by @nnedi :)