A new kind of rakugo for Gen Z: Edanoshin Katsura weaves tradition with techno and youth culture https://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2025/03/22/our-lives/edanoshin-katsura-z-rakugo/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #community #ourlives #rakugo #genz #shibuya #techno #clubbing
NAGA - le recueil ZPP - Repenser la Reconstruction est disponible sur notre club mediapart NagaZine : https://blogs.mediapart.fr/nagazine/blog/210325/naga-z-p-p-essai-dialogues-theatraux-fable-et-poesies-0
Et sur notre site (rubrique Nagazine)
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#marketers #influencers #GenZ #YoungPeople
'Recently published in the Journal of Brand Strategy, “Tapping generation Z micro-influencers for marketing and branding” outlines that the key to reaching Gen Zers may lie in the utilization of non-celebrity influencers, better known as micro-influencers. '
Temple University: Micro-influencers have a major influence on Generation Z. “Recently published in the Journal of Brand Strategy, ‘Tapping generation Z micro-influencers for marketing and branding’ outlines that the key to reaching Gen Zers may lie in the utilization of non-celebrity influencers, better known as micro-influencers.”
#GenZ Is Putting Off #Work to Finish #BingeWatching #TVShows, #Tubi Survey Finds
@Partei Meint Ihr, die "Gen Z" rafft den? #GenZ #GenerationZ #Zoomers
Gallup has collected generational data in each of the years it has examined LGBT identity in the US.
I used several line graphs to compare the percent of each generation that identified as LGBT from 2012 to 2024.
Every time, the generational pattern has been consistent — each generation has a higher proportion that identifies as LGBT than the generation that came before.
Gallup calculated the percent of each generation that identifies as LGBT.
I compared these values on a bar graph.
Each generation has a higher proportion that identifies as LGBT than the generation that came before.
8 out of 12 people can’t tell what’s wrong with these clock faces