The Shadow of Olympus<p><span>Hera<br><br>Queen of Heaven<br>Queen of the Gods<br>Queen of Olympus<br>Goddess of Women<br>Goddess of Marriage<br>Goddess of Oaths<br>Goddess of Righteous Indignation and Anger<br><br>Great cult centers existed throughout Hellas dedicated to her, but especially at Argos, Samos, and Mycenae. Her worship was widespread, as much as that of Zeus, and in Rome her counterpart Juno was one of the great trinity of Gods considered to be at the pinacle of divinity. <br><br>The myths, however, take a dim view of her. She is a shrew, conniving, duplicitous, untrusting, and full of rage. Never mind that the stories also told of how often Zeus defiled their marriage with other women and sometimes boys. We can read this rage as perfectly normal considering she is the goddess of marriage and oaths. Her very domain is therefore being violated by these actions and as such her vengeance is not just that but justice.<br><br>Ancient Greek culture, at least in some places, had very dim views of women. Men, of course, could do as they pleased, but a woman, even a goddess, was to be harshly criticized and shamed for her displays of emotion or outrage. So, Hera was maligned in myths. Presented as little more than angry even though the anger was justified. <br><br>But there are hints of a more subtle, gentle, and caring being in those stories too. Stories in which she guides heroes to their great purpose or protects cities from downfall, or shows her love of Zeus in her desire to be his lover. <br><br>It's hard to tease out these things, of course, since were sometimes told to be funny or instructive, or as morality lessons, even twisted morality that imbued men with great freedom while denying it to women.<br><br>Modern sensibilities are often at odds with Hera because of her portrayal, but if you think of her as a woman in a highly patriarchal society who stands up for herself regardless of the dangers it may pose, I think you can begin to see the value of a goddess like Hera. <br><br>Her power is in her willingness to stand up to power, even ultimate power like Zeus, and not bend. Zeus feared her as much as he cheated on her, and thus hid his afairs. <br><br>But those are myths. Stories created by men, perhaps inspired in part by the Muses, but stories none the less. Divinity is simply too vast and sublime to ever be that small and petty. In Hera we can worship an aspect of life that is all too familiar to us all while also being reminded to stand and be proud enough to know when to fight back.<br><br></span><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#polytheism</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Hellenismos</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#paganism</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#religion</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Hera</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#pagan</a></p>