#CurrentlyReading "Ireland, Colonialism, and the Unfinished Revolution" by Robbie McVeigh and Bill Rolston. #StPatricksDay #History #Histodon #Ireland #Ireland #Colonialism #IrishHistory #HaymarketBooks #Haymarket #Books cc: @bookstodon https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2111-ireland-colonialism-and-the-unfinished-revolution
Much has been written about emigration *from* Ireland. Little has been written about immigration *to* Ireland, even tho it's had a significant impact on the island over the centuries. It's possible that some of my ancestors were Jewish refugees from Spain and Portugal who settled in southern Ireland in the 16th century. Looking forward to learning more. Happy #SaintPat's y'all ;-)
#StPatricksDay #Immigration #Refugees #History #Histodon #Cork #Youghal #Ireland https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/migration-and-the-making-of-ireland-a-fresh-and-fascinating-read-1.3411823
**Trendy, Pointy Shoes From the Middle Ages Confirm the Old Adage That Beauty—or at Least Fashion—Is Pain**
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Medieval #Medievodons #Culture #Fashion @histodon @histodons @medievodons
**Antiquity - Including the “East” As “Western Identity”**
_“In this book, the reader will access debates on intercultural experiences from the perspective of Phoenician colonists in Spain; the formation of a particular Greek identity built by Greek colonists in Sicily; the dramatic social and cultural transformations in the southern Levant following the regional transition to the Bronze Age; the integration of pre-Islamic Somalia in a trade network connected to the Mediterranean, from the Bronze to Iron ages; the multicultural influences inspiring the Book of Genesis; the cultural identity of early Christians as the New Testament is developed under the influence of Near Eastern traditions; and the complex multi-cultural and multi-ethnic dialogue behind the process of formation of Koine Greek during Byzantine times.”
Antiquity - including the “East” as “Western identity” [Working title] (2023) IntechOpen eBooks. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.104678.
#OpenAccess #OA #DOI #Academic #Ebook #Bookstodon #History #Histodon #Histodons #Archaeology #Archaeodons #Linguistics #Antiquity #Culture #Identity @histodon @histodons @archaeodons @linguistics @bookstodon
#OnThisDay in 1750, Caroline Herschel was born in Germany.
A talented singer and astronomer, she lived in Bath for several years and will feature in my next book!
Die Bodenschätze im verarmten Osten der #Ukraine stehen im Zentrum des russischen Angriffskrieges – und wecken auch die Begehrlichkeiten der #USA.
Vor 150 Jahren waren es die Erdölfelder in #Galizien, im Westen der heutigen Ukraine, die #OesterreichUngarn zum drittgrößten Erdölproduzenten weltweit machten. WIEN MUSEUM, #Erdoel für Österreich-Ungarn https://magazin.wienmuseum.at/erdoel-fuer-oesterreich-ungarn
#histodon #histodons #histodonsDE
#history #Geschichte
#Habsburgermonarchie #Ministerrat
Small Is The New Great! How to fight against the sludge of 2025 - and how the tiniest things can change the world. I would be happy if you can find some hope in my new blogpost: https://steadyhq.com/en/naturematchcuts/posts/025f4904-2364-4711-8907-f7e55841993f
You can subscribe for my free newsletter or support my work as a member!
Un nouveau billet : “Ici se trouvent des dragons”
Où je tente des trucs, en recoupant des filigranes et les comptes des administrations financières de Bologne pour comprendre comment celles-ci s'approvisionnent en papier.
Un peu technique, mais j'ai essayé de me mettre des idées au clair sur un petit corpus test.
Et puis, ya de jolis dragons...
**Trade map of the West Indies and North America, 1741**
#Image attribution: Henry Overton, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_new_and_correct_map_of_the_trading_part_of_the_West_Indies.png.
#Map #Cartography #History #Histodon #Histodons #UK #UnitedKingdom #Spain #Europe #NorthAmerica #WestIndies #Caribbean #Trade #C18th #18thCentury @histodon @histodons
**Uncle Sam, Teddy Bear And Trade Routes**
Title: My, my, such possibilities
Artist: Clifford K. Berryman, 1869-1949.
Created/Published: [ca. 1913].
Citation: Berryman, Clifford Kennedy, Artist. My, My, Such Possibilities., ca. 1913. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2016679406/.
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Cartoon #Drawing #Map #PanamaCanal #UncleSam #USA #US #UnitedStates #America #CentralAmerica #SouthAmerica #Trade @histodon @histodons
**The Real Magna Carta**
_“Less famous than its 1215 predecessor, the Magna Carta of 1225 held the true power.”_
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Medieval #Medievodons #England #MagnaCarta @histodon @histodons @medievodons
**The rise and fall of the Hanseatic League**
_”The Hanseatic League united merchants to bargain with kings, blockade cities, and even win wars. But when technology changed, defections began and the coalition fell apart.”
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Medieval #Trade #Europe @histodon @histodons @medievodons
The next piece of art in my collection of nursing textbooks from inter-war-period.
My husband suggests that I should open a museum.
Un gros congrès se profile en septembre à Palerme autour de l’histoire urbaine. De nombreux sujets y seront abordés, du Moyen Âge à nos jours.
Les différentes sessions et appels sont ici : https://aisuinternational.org/
Propositions à envoyer avant mai
US-Armee: Bildhistoriker warnt vor Löschung von Diversitätsfotos durch #DonaldTrump s Regierung -
Die US-Streitkräfte entfernen Zehntausende Fotos von ihren Internetseiten – auf Anordnung der Trump-Regierung. Das könnte Illusionen im #kollektivenGedächtnis der USA erzeugen, warnt ein Bildhistoriker.
#DERSPIEGEL #digitalearchive #bildarchiv #Bildarchive #MarkusWurzer #Histodon https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/us-armee-bildhistoriker-warnt-vor-loeschung-von-diversitaetsfotos-durch-donald-trumps-regierung-a-538ecec2-5785-4bfc-8688-5b5e552a9308
**The Emergence of Pastoralism East of the Jordan Valley**
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
_“Drawing from the archaeological and biomolecular records, Makarewicz will first investigate how the spread of domesticated goats and sheep during the mid-seventh millennium into the rapidly changing built Neolithic environments of the Jordanian highlands sparked the emergence of a novel form of animal management central to pastoralism: seasonal transhumance.”_
#Video length: one hour and eight seconds.
#Lecture #Archaeology #Archaeodons #Ancient #Culture #History #Histodon #Histodons #MiddleEast #Asia @archaeodons @histodon @histodons
Il reste des places pour le colloque "Femmes et Libération" le samedi 22 mars après-midi aux Lilas. Si ça vous intéresse, vous pouvez vous inscrire (gratuitement) ici https://my.weezevent.com/22-mars-2025-colloque-les-femmes-et-la-liberation-en-france
#Femmes #Histodon #Genre #Histoire #WW2 #2GM
Voir le programme https://www.defense.gouv.fr/mission-liberation/vivre-liberation/liberation-via-ses-historiens/evenements-scientifiques-mission-liberation-3