'A walking billboard': The history of San Francisco's most recognizable bag
'A walking billboard': The history of San Francisco's most recognizable bag
#OnThisDay, 26 Mar 1974, Gaura Devi and 27 village women prevent the logging of trees in the village of Rini in the Himalayas. They confront armed men from the lumber company and hug the trees to stop them being felled.
#WomensHistoryMonth #WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory#Histodons
Explore London’s literary heritage and dive into the bookish wonderland Discover more—link in bio!
Yesterday, #KielScales25 was about #RaisingWaters, obsolete conecpts in Archaeology, #ScalesofTransformation or contacts between Danes and Slavs in the #MiddleAges. The day ended with an inspiring keynote lecture by Carla Jaimes Betancourt on urbanism and landscape engineering in Pre-Columbian Bolivia. Today we are continuing some topics, but also adding new ones, for example #AIinArchaeology. The whole programme: https://events.kielconference25.smart-abstract.com/#/grid/2025-03-26
#KielConference #Prehistory #History #Pastsocieties
Bit of an abstract post, this was scaffolding holding up the railway footbridge at St Bees (no, I didn't spend much time stood on the bridge )
Lens: Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 XF Wide Angle on the Fuji X-T30
Stickpin with flag featuring a bird with claw on football
A stick pin with a decorative badge at the top that features a flag on section of pole with a picture of a bird with a claw on football . To the right…
#Art #History #Museum #ArtHistory #Gallery #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Culture #Random #Australia
Tibetan Empire reached its zenith under Songtsen Gampo's descendant Tri Song Detsuen in 755 AD who expanded Tibet politically and economically and promoted Buddhism to bring the nation together. However, about a century after him, the empire collapsed and Tibet entered its traditional "dark age." The Mongols conquered Tibet in 1244 but let the local Buddhist leaders manage the administrative affairs and Tibet gradually eased into a Theocracy as the Dalai Lama was acknowledged as the Spiritual Head.
In 1950, China, looking for a buffer zone between itself and India, invaded Tibet.
Aphrodite is captured in all her glory in this pediment from Atrium House at Aphrodisias. Her Triton attendants gaze up at her reverence as she sits on a seashell and holds up her long hair.
#otd 1980 (#history, #otd ) France foundet with Germany #Arianespace for commercial #spaceflight business . The preceding ELDO (see b.) failed due to cost. First rocketstart by ESA. Prem. was 1984 in Kourou. Today France holds 62% while Germany only shares 20% . The Rest is by Airbus Def&Space and many more euro states . CNES as prime contractor for operational starts Ariane. It is the French space agency. (As DLR De)
»Die Dritte Stufe« der Europa 1 (RB 1965)
Transatlantic: An #IrishAmerican #History Podcast: Typhoid Mary: Victim or Villain
Did you know that "do you plead guilty to the charges?" was once an unlikely question to be answered?
Until the 18th century, common #law had a clause in which a person charged with a capital #offence would be subjected to torture if they did not plead either #guilty or not.
Many defendants refused to plead despite this prospect, because if they did, their heirs would not inherit their property!
#Torture by crushing was used to either elicit a plead or #death.
The History of Hungarian Goulash [+ Recipe] | Tasting History with Max Miller
https://www.dramachina.com/141021/ 《我的差評女友》EP06:完美霸總發現自己誤會灰姑娘,花式追妻求原諒!| The Quirky And The Charming | 邢昭林、盧洋洋 | KUKAN DRAMA #2025cdrama #cdrama #chinesedrama #EternalLoveOfDream #history #KUKAN #KukanDrama #KukanDramaChannel #KUKANDrama #LegendOfTheAncientSword #LuYangyang #mordern #OnceUponATime #Romance #Ruyi'sRoyalLoveInThePalace #SwordSnowStride #TheLegendOfShenLi #TheQuirkyAndTheCharming #WhoRulesTheWorld #XingZhaolin #你是我的命中註定 #再次人生 #古裝 #婚內婚外 #我的差評女友 #楚喬傳 #步步傾心 #爱情 #現代 #盧洋洋 #邢昭林 #酷看 #酷看独播剧场 #雙世寵妃
Fascists Have No Drip | the history of fashion in fascist Italy
#Anarchy #Anarchism #Socialist #Socialism #Fashion #Antifa #History #Politics #Economics #Philosophy