Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende....
#magnolia #frühling #spring #fotografie #photography
Only a scattered rain earlier as I was driving home, but not now. It looks like a heavier rain is now saved for the weekend, drats.
Some goofy Kengo faces, and truly the last photos of our magnolia (I promise) more discreetly tucked away. One more day.
SXSW: Magnolia Buys Music Documentary ‘Swamp Dogg Gets His Pool Painted’ (EXCLUSIVE)
#Variety #News #Magnolia #SwampDogg
Spring is already over temp-wise in GA at 79F/26C.
It's going to rain tomorrow, so this may be the last chance of our flower entertainment. #Humpday
Kengo is seen tiny in two pictures.
„Im Tanz der Kirschblüten versteht das Herz, dass Vergänglichkeit kein Abschied, sondern der leise Beginn von etwas Neuem ist."
~ F.loki ~
: 04/2024 Madamchen
#Kirschblüte #Kirschblütenbaum #Knospen #Bunt #Colorful #Blüten #Blüte #Baum #Frühling #Blütenpracht #Blühen #Spring #Magnolia #Nature #Natur #Blossom #Bäume #Trees #Naturfotografie #Naturephotography
#BewusstGenießen #Genussmomente #EnjoyTheMoment #SchöneMomente #BeautifulMoments #LFmadamchen #Madamchen_EnjoyTheMoment
Very warm at 75F/24C, and it's so bright at this hour. Sorry for repeating the theme over and over, but we enjoy this moment because it won't last long.
Remember: there is still a lot of beauty in this world.
Don’t give up.
Finally we got the sun and blue sky, after the rain since Saturday night through this afternoon. #Mondog Kengo is happy and taking in all the spring sun power. I'm afraid my Japanese magnolia doesn't have enough buds this year, but still trying to look pretty for us. Have a good week everyone.
P.S. March 11 is the 14th anniversary of the Eastern Japan earthquake and tsunami that killed almost 20k people