Münchner Merkur | „One Piece“: Netflix verliert Showrunner – wie geht die Show weiter?

Münchner Merkur | „One Piece“: Netflix verliert Showrunner – wie geht die Show weiter?
Vor der Kündigung habe ich mir einen Report von #Netflix generieren lassen. Da gibt es doch bestimmt schon fertige Projekte, wo ich den draufwerfen kann um Auswertungen zu bekommen, oder?
If you've seen Adolescence and are interested in how exactly they pulled off those single take episodes, this thread on Reddit is fascinating. There's a behind the scenes clip of how they transitioned from steady cam to drone for that incredible shot in episode 2.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) 2hr 11m [12]
When rogue scientists set out to reset the balance of humanity by awakening the world's monsters, Godzilla must rise to fend off these chaotic Titans. #StreamingAgain
Dongeng Sang Kancil (2025) 1hr 38m [15] (Malay)
While a clever mouse-deer seeks justice for his beloved mother, he must outwit predators and unite his fellow animals against the mysterious Dark Shadow.
The Pod Generation (2023) 1hr 49m [12]
In the future, the road to parenthood is paved with unexpected glitches for a couple who uses an artificial womb known as a "pod" to grow their baby.
Romesh Ranganathan: Irrational (2016) 51m [15]
The BAFTA-winning comedian examines all manner of issues -- from family and race to strangers in coffee shops -- in this stand-up special.
Caught (2025) 6 Episodes [15] (Spanish (Latin America))
Known for catching criminals, famed reporter Ema Garay faces a dilemma when the suspect in a teen's disappearance turns out to be someone close to her.
Million Dollar Secret (2025) 8 Episodes [12]
In this cutthroat competition series, an undercover millionaire must hide in plain sight and evade elimination to keep the money and win the game.
【#Netflix 】全”お父さん”へ捧ぐ – 娘が口にした父への感謝 | おつかれさま | Net flix Japan
{EntryTitle}} 父 グァンシク(パク・ヘジュン)から注がれる”イラつく”ほどの愛を受け、クムミョン(IU)から思わず感謝の気持ちが…。 人生という大海原に漕ぎ出した娘を暖かく照らし続ける、父親はまさに太陽のような存在。 おつかれさま When Life Gives You Tangerines Netflixで配信中 *配信は予告なく終了となる場合があります。 チャンネル登録: Netflix公式SNS: X: TIK TOK: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: ANIME X: #おつかれさま #WhenLifeGivesYouTangerines #Netflix #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ from Netflix Japan #Netflix 本記事のYouTube動画はこちらから 本記事のYouTube動画はこちらから
Prince Harry Says Just 17 Words In Meghan Markle’s New Lifestyle Show, With Love, Meghan https://www.inbella.com/969385/prince-harry-says-just-17-words-in-meghan-markles-new-lifestyle-show-with-love-meghan/ #BritishRoyalFamily #California #Cooking #DuchessOfSussex #DukeOfSussex #HARRY #Meghan #MeghanMarkle #netflix #PrinceHarry #Royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #RoyalGossip #Royals #RoyalsGossip
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