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Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star (Switch) ab 7,99 EUR #DE
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Gradius Advance - Featured in our book - The Unofficial GBA Pixel Book
The Game Boy Advance landed on shelves in 2001, dazzling fans as it put 2D worlds front and centre of its offering.
Check it out:
Iwata on how Yamauchi would grin ‘like crazy’ in private, 2019.
Source: Ask Iwata: Words of Wisdom from Satoru Iwata, Nintendo's Legendary CEO nintendo museum to open in kyoto with eight interactive game experiences #ArchitectureInJapan #Kyoto #KyotoTopics #MuseumsAndGalleries #Nintendo #京都 #京都府 nintendo museum is opening this october in kyoto A Nintendo Museum is opening in Kyoto on October 2, 2024. Die-hard fans can discover and experience the history of the Japanese video game company’s entertainment landscape through a series of side-by-side exhibits on the many products it ha…
「Hello! インディー」黄金像に魅せられた一族に襲い掛かる悲劇『The Case of the Golden Idol: Complete Edition』 The Nintendo Museum In Kyoto Opens This October #AnimalCrossing #Direct #Japan #Kyoto #KyotoTopics #mario #museum #Nintendo #switch #VideoGames #zelda #京都 #京都府 The Nintendo Museum was first announced back in 2021. Nintendo It’s been a while since we heard about the Nintendo Museum in Kyoto, but the venue is now ready to be opened this October. Announced back in 2021, the museum was to be built at the old Ogura Plant factory, which was used to…
Me llevo unas reliquias del pasado desde Uruguay para jugar en Escocia...
#Famicom #FamilyGame #Nintendo
Nintendo NEW Berkley Gulp! Turbo Shrimp commercial
#Nintendo #abancommercials #commercial Video Nintendo NEW Berkley Gulp! Turbo Shrimp commercial, actor, actress, girl, cast, song
Nintendo Minecraft – The Spring to Life Drop – Nintendo Switch commercial
#Nintendo #abancommercials #commercial Video Nintendo Minecraft – The Spring to Life Drop – Nintendo Switch commercial, actor, actress, girl, cast, song
Nintendo Hello Kitty Island Adventure – Deluxe Edition commercial
#Nintendo #abancommercials #commercial Video Nintendo Hello Kitty Island Adventure – Deluxe Edition commercial, actor, actress, girl, cast, song
Nintendo Sunderfolk – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch commercial
#Nintendo #abancommercials #commercial Video Nintendo Sunderfolk – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch commercial, actor, actress, girl, cast, song
Title: Cytrus
️ What's: A libre Nintendo 3DS emulator
️ -
#LinuxEmulation #Nintendo #3ds
️ #Libre
Our entry:
️ New
️ From:
MEGA #PROTIP: #3DS #games that used the #touchscreen as a #mouse are way, waaaay better to play with on a #steamdeck than they were on the actual #Nintendo 3DS. This is because you can map the touch screen to the #touchpad on the steam deck for normal-feeling controls. #KidIcarus for example:
Title: Sudachi
️ What's: A libre Nintendo Switch emulator
#LinuxEmulation #Nintendo #switch
️ #Libre #Bin #Arch
Our entry:
️ Update: 1.0.15
Code improvement
️ Changes:
️ From:
️ All About the Nintendo Museum Opening in Kyoto, Japan – PrestigeOnline Hong Kong #asia #Japan #JapanGuide #Kyoto #KyotoTopics #museums #MuseumsInJapan #Nintendo #travel #京都 #京都府 Gamers are familiar with the craze of Nintendo who enjoy an equal monopoly in the card and video games sector. Bringing its journey to a full circle, Nintendo is gearing up to inaugurate its first-ever museum in Kyoto’s Uji City in Japan. The museum is housed in a ren…
Gaat er een surprise drop komen van deze Donkey Kong themes sneaker?
.Swoosh x Nike Air Max 1 - Big Head Origins (Low Poly)
#donkeykong #bighead #nintendo
Nintendo Alarmo Wecker Version 3.0
Gestern Abend gab es überraschend (zumindest für mich) ein Update meines neuesten Bettgefährten.
Meine Erfahrungen mit dem Wecker habe ich ja bereits ausführlich dargelegt und mit der neuen Version 3.0 geht Nintendo eine ganze Reihe von Dingen an, die mir im Test auch aufgefallen sind.
Das Update ist wie gehabt binnen weniger Minuten installiert und die meiner Meinung nach größten Neuigkeiten sind diese hier:
Außerdem gibt es noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten:
Insbesondere die Verlängerung und das Neustarten der Schlummerklänge finde ich gut und auch das Ausprobieren von Wecktönen ist praktisch, größte Verbesserung für mich ist allerdings, dass ich nun endlich für jeden Wochentag unterschiedliche Weckzeiten festlegen kann.
Das psst besser zu meinem Alltag und ich muss nun nicht mehr jeden Abend den Wecker neu einstellen.