#NowPlaying : Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car (Extended Version) https://80s.intamixx.uk https://90s.intamixx.uk #listenlive #80s #90s #oldskool #retro #music

#NowPlaying : Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car (Extended Version) https://80s.intamixx.uk https://90s.intamixx.uk #listenlive #80s #90s #oldskool #retro #music
#Streaming recommendation time:
This is a #documentary about American cinema in 1982: the year of E.T., Blade Runner, and The Thing, among many other films. Its premise is that film genres beloved by geekdom peaked that year, in both quantity and quality, and a compelling case is offered to support this. I usually don't care for nostalgic documentaries, but this one is quite a fun watch.
It can be streamed for free at:
1919 St. Patrick's Day Postcard
#StPatricksDay #Postcard #SaintPatricksDay #Ephemera #Retro #Vintage
Dare To Be Stupid
1985 Canada pressing
My Sunday is about to get very weird and very stupid.
Weird Al is a king among peasants. He will always be celebrated in my house for the genius he is, and I will tolerate NO slander or shit talk about the greatest poet laureate of our time.
It’s time to save Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion! Also testing to see how well it runs with Xenia!
Back in 1995 I had no chance owning Sega Saturn Most folks I knew, who owned gaming consoles, pretty much jumped from
Mega Drive (Genesis) to Sony PlayStation 1
- there hasn't been many (if any)
units around in Lithuania back then
Yet Sega Saturn is awesome console with CD tray (for game discs) and cartridge slot (mainly used to extend memory). Joystics still feels top: inheriting shape and layout from Mega Drive
Can you spot 10 differences in this photo?
Okay, why is Dungeon 6 in the original Legend of Zelda demonstratably harder than Dungeons 7 and 8?
I blame these guys.
„Doom auf dem C64 und ein atomarer Atari“
Nicht ohne Stolz: mein #Atari ST (ok, und ich) im Golem.de / Besser Wissen #Podcast ! In dem etwa 45 Minütigen Podcast geht es um „hochgezüchtete“ #Retro-#Computer, wie sie auch auf dem #RetroComputer Festival im Heinz #Nixdorf Museum bzw. Forum zu sehen waren. Von 13:06 – 23:02 geht es dabei um mein Atari #STE System. Es ist übrigens auch auf dem Podcast-Titelbild zu bewundern.
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
#NowPlaying : Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You https://80s.intamixx.uk https://90s.intamixx.uk #listenlive #80s #90s #oldskool #retro #music
#captainfuture #kult #scifi #sciencefiction #spaceopera #80er #70er #zeichentrick #anime #pulps #retro #lieblingsserie #kultserie
Vielleicht hat‘s der eine oder andere schon bemerkt: Wir haben zwischendurch ganz klammheimlich die Sektion zur Zeichenserie mit Informationen von Takuo Noda etc. aktualisisert...
Link: https://bit.ly/3RFkH4k
Watch out for @TurianShepard's Let's Play of Temple of the Three Rules! It was really entertaining!
Now I feel bad for leaving you with that cliffhanger.
Do you remember the tuned Atari I bought for $10 bucks? I took out the guts, reused the chips and two switches in a nice motherboard, and replaced the front plate. Some holes remain, and I've ideas to cover these #retro #Atari #atari2600
Heute mal kein Spiel. #DeluxePaint als Urvater von Photoshop war auch meine erste Berührung mit digitalen Bildern. Das Cover ist mittlerweile eine Ikone und steht so gut kaum anderes für die grafischen Leistungen des #Amiga damals und heute.
Free download codes:
Michael HERTER - Kitchen Jazz
"bright and fresh music in jazz-style"
1910 St. Patrick's Day Postcard
#StPatricksDay #Postcard #SaintPatricksDay #Ephemera #Retro #Vintage
#NowPlaying : Shirley Bassey - Moonraker https://80s.intamixx.uk https://90s.intamixx.uk #listenlive #80s #90s #oldskool #retro #music