Todays #RetroTech
TripleCorner ATR-102- mid 60s contraption
Reel to Reel, AM Radio, Turntable at in one
Records to 1/4” Tape
Runs on 3 D Cells. Built-in speaker. Can be operated with lid closed.
It’s a wonderful contraption
Todays #RetroTech
TripleCorner ATR-102- mid 60s contraption
Reel to Reel, AM Radio, Turntable at in one
Records to 1/4” Tape
Runs on 3 D Cells. Built-in speaker. Can be operated with lid closed.
It’s a wonderful contraption
"More Fun Making It" creates fun videos about repairing and restoring classic computers and other tech, especially the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga etc. You can follow at:
There are already over a hundred videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at
VertiPort X & U: The Ultimate Commodore 64 Port Adapters
#Commodore64 #C64 #RetroComputing #VertiPort #Commodore4Ever #8Bit #VintageGaming #RetroTech
Backbit Impawsible: Lupe Darksnout vs. The SuperCPU Glitch in Episode 11
#BackbitImpawsible #SuperCPU #C64 #RetroComputing #LupeDarksnout #Commodore64 #Backbit #RetroTech #GlitchHunting
SheepShaver is an open source PowerPC Apple Macintosh emulator
Commander X16 vs. MEGA65 Core – Which 8-Bit Machine Wins?
#RetroComputing #Commodore64 #Commodore65 #CommanderX16 #MEGA65 #8BitGaming #RetroTech #FPGAComputing #HomebrewComputers #VintageComputing
I recently posted a video of Stern's painted light bulbs and mentioned the bulb condoms Williams used. Naturally I was asked to show the condoms!
So here's the difference. Williams put these silicone filters over theirs to change the color. While I'm pretty hardcore Williams fan, I somehow always liked how the painted incandescent bulbs look like.
Auf dem Gelände der Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH Am Gut Wolf in #Aachen befindet sich das #Fernmeldemuseum Aachen mit vielen voll funktionsfähigen Exponaten aus vergangenen Jahrzehnten. Ohne Absprache ist ein kostenloser Besuch (mit Führung) jeden Montag um 11 Uhr möglich.
Check out this wild creation from our community member Mictronics, shared in our Discord community! He built a #meshtastic node into an old #nokia 5130, and yes, the multi-tap keyboard works. Absolute retro tech wizardry.
#RetroTech #DIY #MakerCommunity
Skład złomu w komplecie. Od lewej:
- Nokia 6150 (1997), którą już wcześniej pokazywałem. Do ideału potrzebuje wymiany gumki przewodzącej na wyświetlaczu (jakieś 5 zł) i może lepszej baterii. Udało się bezpiecznie zdemontować jedną ze starych, będę się do Was zwracał po pewne sugestie;
- Nokia 1100 (2004), podobno najlepiej sprzedający się model w całej historii firmy. Skromna i niezniszczalna. Tę kupiłem w Anglii za chyba 5 funtów w charity shopie.
- Nokia 5210 (2002) - jeden z pierwszych modeli o podwyższonej wytrzymałości. Oryginalne silikonowe elementy na obudowie tak się zdegradowały z czasem, że odchodzą pod paznokciem. Jednak za 9 zł nabyłem dwie skrajnie szczurowate obudowy, jedną doczyściłem do gołego plastiku, a drugą chyba zostawię w takim śmieciowym stylu. I tak znalezienie ich graniczy z cudem.
#nokia #retrotech #gsm #phone #telefon
Tim’s Retro Corner: Fixing a C64 with RAM Troubles & a CPU Swap
#Commodore64 #C64 #RetroComputing #C64Repair #VintageComputers #6502 #RAMTester #RetroTech #ClassicGaming
Restoring Three Amiga 3000s – A Deep Dive with Chris Edwards
#Amiga3000 #RetroComputing #ChrisEdwardsRestoration #VintageHardware #AmigaRestoration #RetroTech #ClassicComputers #TechRepair #AmigaForever
I finally assembled a racking setup that allowed me to get all the CRT TVs organized - except for the two in the house for active use.
All of them are rescues, and many still need more thorough testing or calibration, but they're all shelved and accessible now.
One day, I'm hoping to do an interesting combined display with it, like Matrix-style raining text or something kinda spooky for Halloween trick-or-treaters.
Early Stern White Star games (2000...) had often these colorful miniatyre bulbs. In a lot of Williams games they used normal clear ones with a silicone hood (which we promptly named bulb condoms) to change the color. Stern instead used painted lamps. I have a good collection of all the colors to keep these early 2000s games looking original. I also kinda like how the painted bulbs look.
The Stubborn Commodore 64: Triple Freedom’s Latest Repair Challenge
#Commodore64 #RetroComputing #C64 #TechRepair #VintageHardware #TripleFreedom #RetroTech #Restoration #ClassicComputers
Here's both the Super Famicom next to my North American SNES
I love both designs of both consoles #nintendo #snes #superfamicom #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrotech