As I'm away from home at the moment, no themed Friday game share today.
Sorry about that.
But here's my haul from my adventures in Cardiff today. 日差しを待つ 宇多津古街周辺 | 香川県 宇多津町 | Cinematic Video | SONY FX3 | Music Made With Suno #cinematic #DavinchResolve #fx3 #japan #sony #香川 #香川ツアー #香川県 #香川県ツアー #香川県観光 #香川観光
Interesting. So Microsoft's efforts to erase exclusivity lines are bearing fruit, thus allowing it to invade the Sony platforms like an uninvited guest. Crass, but clever.
Eurogamer: Microsoft and Sony first-party studios team up for new live-service crossover @eurogamer #Microsoft #Sony #PlayStation #Xbox
Release notes:
Live-actionfilm The Legend of Zelda verschijnt in maart 2027
15:32 | RTL Nieuws
#VideoGame #Sony #Film
Choclo de oro - Pachystachys lutea
“La mayoría de las veces, la inspiración se encuentra justo en nuestro propio patio trasero”
- Ansel Adams
Sony a6000 | 1/30 | f5.6 | iso800
Developed on affinity photo
I bought a new travel adapter today. It’s got usb-c! And, thank goodness, it can safely charge a Sony PSP. I was worried when I didn’t see it on the packaging. Still relevant 11 years after it was discontinued, I guess.