Steven Spielberg begins shooting UFO movie at the Jersey Shore – Report includes interviews with locals #UFO #UnidentifiedFlyingObjects
@Free_Press First time I ever heard of Lubbock was for the “Lubbock Lights” #UFO. Good to see them carrying on the tradition.
If you're from #Canada, read this story (which I personally believe to be true), and save the date. Might be when the war with the US escalates.
Yes, the two USB sticks linked there (there are pictures) are identical. They're literally the same usb stick. Not the same model, but actually the SAME usb stick, back in time. I believe this story to be true. Laugh all you want.
Contact for a discount! (@mike3fio) Share a passion for his work, share his content from his social media accounts or share some of the podcasts that he has appeared on.
#UAP #UFO #Mystery #vibration #melody #consciousness #curiosity #philosophy #ufosymphonic
#apprenticehousepress @apprenticehousepress
This sounds as plausible as anything else in the news these days, maybe more so...
The biggest issue with UFOlogy becoming more mainstream is that of the major figures in the community, probably at least half of them are just grifters, frauds, or at best ethically gray. You gotta wade through a lot of shit to get to the people who are earnestly invested in the truth.
You've seen the state of the US Government and your telling me these people kept the greatest secret ever kept.....until your movie came along?
People reporting weird shit in the sky is not the cast iron evidence I need to believe this hustle.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
Good [PODCAST] conversation: KABOOM! The Explosive UFO Story That Changed The World - Guest : Ralph Blumenthal (PART 1) on WEAPONIZED with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp
Recommended reading...
'Beyond UFOs' and 'A Greater Reality Vol. 1 & 2'
#agreaterreality #UFO #consciousness
#FriendlyJordies aka Jordan Shanks is a youtuber almost universally hated by journalists...
...mainly because he has a bigger following then they do.
He is almost singlehandedly responsible for the fall of a corrupt state Government that was untouchable, his reportage has resulted in multiple hollow lawsuits and his house firebombed (the Police was clueless)
Anyway, he has a hilarious new show called "Alien Hunter" where for an hour he lays out all the evidence for the #UFO #phenomenon...
In a compelling and funny delivery.
One more show tomorrow at the Adelaide's Rhino Room tomorrow.
Reading now: After the Flying Saucers Came. Such a flowing history of UFOs in culture. Easy to read, engaging, thoughtful. #nonfiction #paranormal #popculture #UFO #UAP
NB. The SOL foundation is an initiative of scientists and engineers collaborating to learn more about the #phenomenon...
...since we clearly can't rely on Governments for #disclosure
I highly recommend their YouTube videos of presenters from the two #SOL Conventions they held if you seek to 'find out'
Thank you for fighting the good fight
I personally saw #UAP twice in my life, once when the mankind kicked the moon, "The Baltic Flap" which seems to have been erased from the Internet, but I remember reading about it in #UFO books...
....the second time in January this year. I do not need to be convinced personally that UFOs exist.
(And very likely, again just a few days ago)
Anyone who has even briefly shown interest in the subject is left with no doubt that #NHE exist and they are here.
The questions are why they are here, why they want to be seen and what are the deals some humans have made with them in our name.
It's a fascinating subject that only now is receiving serious attention...thanks to independent communications.
Laying on my deathbed watching #UFO hunters. Ok I’ve got a cold, but I’m watching #UFOHunters
How explosive new UFO doc got Marco Rubio and other high-ranking officials to break their silence on aliens
Featuring interviews with 34 high-ranking officials including the Secretary of State, Dan Farah's "The Age of Disclosure" premiered Sunday at SXSW.
This premiered at SXSW just yesterday in Austin. There have been so many docs. on this topic, featuring many of the people in the trailer. Will this one make a difference? Do we really want true disclosure during such tumultuous times, with a lying, manipulative, dictator in charge of the USA?
#UFO #UAP #politics #disclosure
@lacaverneeclairee “From drones to balloons, satellites, meteors, flares, paper lanterns, planets, atmospheric phenomena and perhaps even experimental military technology, -many- [all of] UFO sightings -could- [do] have ordinary or earthly explanations.”
I fixed the story.