Dug out the GP2X today.
I had some real fun with this ARM-based Linux-game console - wow - nearly 20 years ago! A little Montezuma's Revenge for the SMS shown running under emulation, here.
Such a fun device!
Dug out the GP2X today.
I had some real fun with this ARM-based Linux-game console - wow - nearly 20 years ago! A little Montezuma's Revenge for the SMS shown running under emulation, here.
Such a fun device!
Tynemouth Software Repairs Vintage Excelerator Plus Disk Drive
#TynemouthSoftware #ExceleratorPlus #VintageComputing #DiskDriveRepair #Commodore64 #RetroTech #FSD2ExceleratorPlus
Noisy Amiga during the copy process.
Been working on figuring out the NTK and built a #DogCow MooF! app. I used the Clarus graphic from the recent macOS Print Setup window (Press Command + Shift + P to see that window)
Wer braucht schon Outlook, wenn man einen Röhrenmonitor hat? #vcfe #vintagecomputing #muenchen
Mein PET hat gerade den nächsten Termin eingetippt: 3./4. Mai 2025 VCFe in München
#VCFe2025 #vintagecomputing #CommodorePET #6502Forever #mos6502 #vcfe24 #VCFe #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #muenchen
Vintage Computer Festival Europa
Unboxing A Checkmate Monitor and MEGA65 with CityXen
#CheckmateMonitors #MEGA65 #RetroGaming #Commodore65 #VintageComputing #Unboxing
Might anyone have the full version of "Columbo's Mystery Capers" in either a PCMCIA dumped format (.ppcard) or .pkg? I can only find the demo on unna. Thanks! #newton #apple #messagepad #pda #vintagecomputing #AppleNewton #newtonmessagepad #RetroComputing #Marchintosh
I bought the requisite switchbox about 13 years ago, and finally today found and ordered a clean looking SM124 paper-white monochrome CRT monitor for the Atari 520ST, from eBay. (Shipping in original box with original foam, so it seems possible it will survive the trip across the U.S.) (Knock on wood)
It looks like there's JUST enough room atop this A520 STation to fit them both, if I move the HxX2001 into one of the (disconnected) drives' spots in the stand.
I had both an SC1224 and an SM124 on my original 520ST setup back in 1987.
Will post some pics when it's all setup.
I see a number of recent Roland MT-32 clone projects out there, built using Raspberry Pi and the like. I don't see any that are being sold, pre-assembled.
The BulkyMIDI-32 looks great, but I don't think it's being sold, assembled.
If such things are on offer, can someone point me to a decent unit?
#MIDI #Roland #RolandMT32 #MT-32 #generalmidi #music #audio #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #retrogaming #DOS #AtariST #Amiga #RaspberryPi #RPi #modernretro
Dumping Windows/286 images to floppies. For the better, or the worse? ;)
#RetroComputing #VintageComputing
5 PDP-8 computers on display celebrating 60 years of the little 12 bit wonder at the Interim Computer Festival #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing
Hi all, we did our annual PDP-12 demo in Dr. Ted Pedersen's architecture class on Tuesday, and it went really well.
In cleaning up / reorganizing after showing off our artifacts, I realized that we have something that I haven't seen on @bitsavers, but I maybe just didn't know where to look. It's a big poster of PDP-12 instructions -- it's kind of like the pocket reference in poster format. It is about 9.5x30 inches (24x76 cm). I scanned it in two pieces on the office machine and stitched it together with GIMP. I'll try to make a PDF version with OCR text. @bitsavers #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #pdp12 #pdp #dec #umdpdp12
Today, I visited the Heinz Nixdorf Museum in Paderborn and was amazed. What a huge place! Defo worth another visit for me.
#vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #Computermuseum #computerhistory
Made a “rustic” monitor stand for the BBC Master. Total cost £0, obviously. Couldn’t find a ready made one on Amazon that was wide enough. #acorn #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #shittywoodworking
I took a photo of some movie that was on TV about 10 years ago, seeing what looks like an Acorn computer of some sort on the desk, and this is what I got. I'm not really sure what's going on here and I'm equally unsure if I want to know.