Been watching #babylon5 . Now done with season two and it is a full case of “we could see it coming decades ago” - so
Centauri = Russia
Narn = Ukraine
Earth = America (complete with Fascist dunderheads)
Minbari = Europe? Canada?
The Shadows = Billionaires
Vorlans = ???
Okay - it breaks down at some point. But it hits the #Scifi is about the present buttons pretty well this year.
@icastico I always thought the Centaurians represented broadly Germanic Europe, and there’s a few episodes later on where they lay it on thick that the Narns are Semites oppressed by the Centaurians.
That works too. I can actually see the Narn as Palestinians too with the Centauri as Likud. But the alliance with Earth would need to be long standing - so doesn’t quite fit.