Fellow agnostics, freaks and weirdos rejoice-- loving uncertainty can have psychological benefits. Open-mindedness, trying weird shit, etc. Things I'm a big fan of
I'm down with quantum so uncertainty is my bag
I'm really not certain about anything and my grip on reality is a can of WD40
@spytfyre oh man, you're speakin my language!
@jake4480 Good timing. I needed something to counter this article from 2020 I just read yesterday.
@Defiance who's funding this bullshit. Evangelicals? Christian Scientists? ffs
@jake4480 I only know the author is an anthropologist who specializes in this kind of perspective on religion. Very ivory tower approach.
@Defiance I'm sure they're religious themselves, no one would say crap like that if they weren't hahaha
@jake4480 Oh for sure. But aren't most people?
@Defiance ugh. It's like, an epidemic and has caused nearly everything wrong with the USA. It's disgusting and I'm sick of it, to the point of like, seeing religious stuff of any kind and it just pissing me off, turning my stomach. That's why I need angry music like Jivebomb. hahaha
@jake4480 This article comes at an opportune moment. My entire adult life has been full of uncertainty and I'm facing yet another uncertain moment in my life right now. Thanks for sharing!
@starshaped aww heheh heck yeah! It's so rough out there, and I feel like people who are so certain about things can really miss out on a lot of cool stuff in life. There's so many pivots, capitalism makes us think we're only here to do this or that kind of thing, and that's just not true.