I can’t believe I’m even engaging this post, but… what’s the use-case? Gotta say, this sounds extra creepy.
@just_another_person Turning on or off nightlights. Changing iOS focus (e.g., sleeping). Activating outside security monitoring… all kinds of interesting use cases.
Can one change iOS focus modes from home assistant?
@spitfire I said that but the fact is I don’t really know. But I’d like to know. I know #HA #HomeAssistant can launch apps and select channels on #AppleTV so I think it should be possible on iOS. Using webhooks maybe.
@meltedcheese @spitfire no, it can’t set the iPhone focus but instead it makes sense to detect when sleep focus is over (alarm is over).
@meltedcheese @spitfire Not with an automaton. None of that is possible. You simply can't fire an action on iOS.
@jenzi @spitfire So I’ve been told, but I bet there is some really ugly way of doing it.
Maybe via some of the Assistance features.
What about sending a notification to the iOS device, have Siri intercept it and trigger a shortcut or automation that is selected by the text in the notification?
Maybe Siri reads the notification aloud and another on-device app listens to Siri and triggers an automation? We already know Siri and Alexa will interact verbally (at least on two devices).