[neon 6.3] How to force GNOME apps to display KDE titlebar (even if GNOME titlebar remains, I don't care) ?
@KaKi87 I do not have any gnome app to try, but can you force the display of the title bar with a Kwin rule? Press alt-f3, select More actions - Windows rules. The +Add Property, and choose No title bar and frame [Force] No.
Already tried from a Reddit thread : it doesn’t work, but also, that window shows that the current value is already No
@KaKi87 For a while there was a bug in the neon packages that prevented the service that applies KDE settings to GTK apps from running. If you type ALT-F2 then search and run for "Background Services" can you check if it is running correctly ? (It is called GNOME/GTK settings synchronization services)