My husband, @Histostudent, wrote the following to our Senator in response to the shameful way President Zelenskyy was treated in the Oval Office today.
We stand with Zelenskyy!
Slava Ukraini!
Dear Senator,
Having listened to and read about the interaction today between President Zelenskyy and the chief executives of the United States of America I must say that I, as an American, am ashamed of this nation and its leadership. There is no way to erase the stain that the executive office has brought on this nation.
It is not just the executive office, it is the legislative as well.
What was done in public in the Oval Office today was beyond the pale. That any member of Congress could stand by to watch it makes them accomplices to the nauseating scene. That other members of Congress could later support and defend what happened is beyond sickening. It is like a crowd of people standing by and watching while a rape happens and then clapping when it is done.
The Senate should immediately propose and pass a resolution apologizing to President Zelenskyy and the citizens of Ukraine. If the Democrats in Congress let this pass with whimpers of dismay then there is little for non-MAGAs to support. This needs to be cleaned up just as much as the halls of Congress after the January 6 riots.
Sincerely yours,
I emailed both my Senators something similar, though not as long. I’m glad we’re on the same page.
I shamelessly stole this to send to my senators, with a little tweak here and there.