Our boy Peck really likes to live on the edge.
Happy #Caturday to all!
@GertrudeZane Peck looks exactly like the old Alikatze! I've no picture to prove.
But the old gal was a long time family companion. She even went windsurfing with us (onshore team).
That's why we asked Kona and Motte to travel with us - and they like it.
Peck, on the edge you may have the widest perspective. Take care!
I'm glad Peck reminded you of your dear family companion, Alikatze, and brought back some happy memories. It sounds like she was a wonderful cat.
We hope you, your family, and Kona and Motte are having a great weekend!
@GertrudeZane yes we have, thanks! And we hope the same for you and your beloved ones!
Danke schön!
@GertrudeZane that’s a very purposeful little stare. LoL
He's always looking around to see what mischief he can get into!
@GertrudeZane He’s adorable . Our Fred is more of a Labrador puppy/crossing guard than cat. Both in size & temprement.
@GertrudeZane be careful Peck
He says he will. No worries. He can take care of himself.
Goodnight and sweet dreams to you, your husband, and angelic Izzy!
Peck says thank you very much!
His fur is just gorgeous.
Peck thanks you very much!