Well done Mr Bacon -- solving the #lunar calendar notation recording species' reproductive cycles in the #UpperPalaeolithic
Now let's link in the imagery of #womens #menstrual cyclicity and we are on our way to reconstructing the Upper Paleolithic cosmology as an 'ideology of blood'
Paper linked
Another super interesting paper by #BernieTaylor on #lunar #timekeeping and animal behaviour in #UpperPalaeolithic #rockart here
Article of mine almost 20 years old on the linkage of women's and game animal
in #huntergatherer ethnography and #rockart from S/E #Africa and #UpperPalaeolithic
And we should acknowledge the long ago work by #AlexanderMarshack on 'timefactored' notations and lunar calendars in the #UpperPaleolithic
This is his wonderful photo of a detail from the #Lalinde Plaquette, c.13,000 years old from Dordogne -- a #ritual artefact of a #lunar and #menstrual cosmology. Carved into soft limestone, it shows dancing, female figures linked by the powerpoints of their #vulvas with grooving that has apparently been ritually repeated.