Interesting piece on the ideas of #sexstrike so troubling the US.
What this misses out is that #sexstrike was how we created human culture! And it was periodic -- not forever! Aligned to the #moon and #menstrualcycles
See 'Blood Relations' on this link
Sex Strike takes specific forms among #African #huntergatherers, that is #menstrual #taboos and rules about #brideservice which is the work a son-in-law does for his mother-in-law (she is boss) otherwise no nooky!
This film by Bruce Parry, with Jerome and Ingrid Lewis, shows the full-on ritual #sexstrike in action from 5 min 10secs here. The BaYaka girls of Ngoku secret society emerge from the forest as initiated, singing and dancing beautifully but incredibly rudely. Men crawl into the corners and avert their gaze, but still enjoy the very sexy taunting of their own ineptitude.
A few days later, the men stage a comeback with their Ejengi spirit, lured from the forest by women's voices.
The dynamic of #sexstrike has been described as 'communism in motion' by our colleague #MornaFinnegan. See her wonderful piece 'Politics of Eros' on gender as collective action in a nonprivatised society. The pendulum of power keeps swinging between the sexes -- as long as women keep their bodies in motion hierarchy never gets the chance to flood back in.
This is government by dancing.
Here is Morna giving a talk on 'Politics of Eros: how hunter-gatherer women assert solidarity'.
These are the people who are the real world experts in Sex-strike, morality and solidarity. Listen and learn!