Before the financial services sector try to dismember the cash ISA, perhaps they might first think about the £67bn in under-performing 'dog' funds; managed funds (taking big fat fees) but which have under-performed stock indexes in the last three years....
But of course in a sector patterned by big payments for under (no) performance, all they're interested is in getting rid of a competing product for savers so they can capture more fees!
Leave cash ISAs alone!
#investments #savings
h/t FT
@ChrisMayLA6 Is someone going after cash ISAs? What are they going to do to them? (I'm currently moving money from underperforming stock market investments to cash ISAs for an elderly relative.)
@TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 I don't know if they want to get rid of cash ISAs altogether, but there's murmurings that fund managers want cash ISA limits to be lower, much lower than the current limits. And that they've been talking to the Chancellor about this.
Needless to say, building societies aren't happy about that.