Corporate surveillance technology is out of control
A new report details the disturbing ways your employer can monitor your life even out of the office
Some types of behavior which might trigger an elevated risk score for an employee include mounting USB devices at unusual hours, printing sensitive documents, or downloading a large number of files.
A support page for Microsoft Sentinel acknowledges that the system can incorrectly flag an employee of suspicious activity.
"No analytics rule is perfect, and you're bound to get some false positives that need handling," the document says.
Microsoft makes it easy to deploy such surveillance alongside its ubiquitous Office365 productivity suite,
which increases the likelihood of unnecessary surveillance, said Christl.
"Microsoft carries a specific responsibility here. The findings in my report show that Microsoft is not only making it easy to implement intrusive surveillance, but often even recommends the more intrusive options in its software documentation and in the user interface," Christl said