Donald Trump was once harshly criticized for
-- though they could shed light on potential conflicts of interest and personal stakes they have in legislation before Congress.
In past years, that would have been a big deal
— it was a major issue in Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns.
But it’s barely come up in this year’s contest or in the news media, though the race is a toss-up and lawmakers will take up next year a sweeping debate over the fate of trillions of dollars in tax cuts.
amounts to yet another blow to the decades-old tradition of presidential contenders in both parties volunteering their returns.
It’s also a victory for Trump, says Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, since Trump has outlasted his critics.
“This issue, which was one of the largest in the 2016 campaign, is now one of the smallest,” said Rosenthal.