I came across a reading challenge on The Bird Site:
Read a ghost story by MR James every day between now and Christmas.
I tracked down some texts on Project Gutenberg, so I'm good to go.
Anyone want to join me?
“Once,” Dennistoun said to me, “I could have sworn I heard a thin metallic voice laughing high up in the tower. I darted an inquiring glance at my sacristan. He was white to the lips. ‘It is he—that is—it is no one; the door is locked,’ was all he said, and we looked at each other for a full minute.” - M.R, James, Canon Alberic's Scrapbook
"Whilst the girl stood still, half smiling, with her hands clasped over her heart, the boy, a thin shape, with black hair and ragged clothing, raised his arms in the air with an appearance of menace and of unappeasable hunger and longing." - #MRJames Lost Hearts
"What he saw made him very nearly drop the candle on the floor, and he declares now that if he had been left in the dark at that moment he would have had a fit." - #MRJames from The Mezzotint.
(Illustration by Clive Upton)
"A certain amount of interest was excited in the village when it was known that the famous witch, who was still remembered by a few, was to be exhumed." - #MRJames from The Ash-tree
"It was a really horrible sound, and Anderson felt that if he had been alone he must have fled for refuge and society to some neighbour bagman’s room." - #MRJames from Number 13
"... they hear someone scream, just as if the most inside part of his soul was twisted out of him." - #MRJames from Count Magnus