Hello! I'm Jonathan.
Although I've lived in the USA for many years, I'm a Brit who doesn't want to take US citizenship. I liked living in France but have to stay in America. I miss the NHS!
Soft left politics, still enraged about Brexit, worried that Starmer is being overcautious.
Books I've enjoyed recently:
- Yasunari Kawabata "Snow Country"
- Michael Kazin "What It Took To Win"
- Laurence Sterne "A Sentimental Journey"
Atheist with an interest in religion.
I drink huge quantities of builder's tea, but treat myself to Darjeeling from time to time.
I also enjoy Campari, IPAs, and White Horse whisky.
Favourite food: quiche lorraine, Central Texas barbecue, smoked salmon. I miss roast lamb, Aero, and Bovril on toast.